The scope of this portion of our guide is on belief, faith, religion, and spirituality in the City of Saginaw, Michigan.
In many cases, these words can be used interchangeably but, depending on the context, they are separate words with unique descriptions.
Belief is an acknowledgment of the truth of something. Yet, according to the Christian Scriptures, even Satan believed in Christ, but he didn't have faith in Him. In fact, he was on the opposing side.
Faith is stronger than belief because it suggests allegiance to a deity or to religion, while religion is a reference to a particular set of beliefs. For example, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism are considered the largest religions in the world.
Spiritualism has a variety of definitions. It may represent both the things on which a person focus his faith, such as God, the Church, or Nature, as well as the things that he does in order to make a connection with these things, which may include prayer, sacraments, or hiking. In a broader context, spiritualism may refer to the search for higher meaning in life, or as a worldview.
Christianity is, by far, the most common religion in Saginaw. According to a recent survey, no other religion was cited by even as much as 0.1% of the local population.
While the Protestants outnumbered the Catholics in Saginaw, Catholicism was the largest single denomination, as the Protestants were divided into various denominations. The Catholics were followed closely by the Lutherans, and more distantly by the Baptists, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Mormons, Episcopalians, other denominations that weren't part of the survey, as well as various non-denominational churches.
Regardless of the particular religion, denomination, or sect, online resources representing places of worship or ministries in Saginaw, Michigan are the focus of this category.
Recommended Resources
Founded in 1873, the UMC congregation's first church sanctuary was dedicated that same year, and its current sanctuary was built after a fire in 1948. The church's history, purpose statement, and directions are given, along with an introduction to the pastor, and an introduction for those who are new. The address and contacts are posted, and weekly schedules, a calendar of events, and an online contact form are provided. Contributions to the church may be made online.
Founded in 1938, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saginaw is a Latin Church ecclesiastical territory or diocese of the Catholic Church covering eleven counties and fifty-six parishes in Michigan. Member parishes and schools are listed on the site, and may be found on interactive maps. Its offices and ministries are featured, and information about becoming Catholic or becoming a lay minister is provided, along with information about sacraments, men's groups, women's groups, and youth ministries.
The Church of Saginaw is made up of senior pastors from established churches of various denominations in the Great Lakes, Saginaw Bay Region, with the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God, and walking in unity regardless of denomination. Its board of directors meets each month to discuss local and state-wide events and to pray over these areas, and during the year, meetings are held with current partners and those expressing interest in being part of the Church of Saginaw.
The non-denominational Christian ministry in Saginaw, Michigan was founded by Bishop Ronald E. Chipp and Pastor Phyllis M. Chipp, who also founded Faith Harvest Christian Centre in Kampala, Uganda. Its history and leadership are outlined, and its address, telephone number, email address, and an online contact form are provided, along with a calendar of events, Livestream archived videos, and a gallery of photographs. Contributions to the ministry may be made through the site.
Formed in 1953 through the teachings of Elijah Mohammad, the congregation met in the home of Sister Edestar Rasool, and then in other homes, until the Islamic Center on 4th Street was purchased in 1978. Its history, a gallery of photographs, and information about ICS membership are set forth, and the Masjid team is introduced. Prayer times, educational programs, local initiatives, religious services for Muslims, counseling programs, and hall rental policies are set forth.
Mount Olive Institutional Missionary Baptist Church
The Saginaw, Michigan church has its roots in a club known as the Busy Bees in 1932, and the church was founded as the Mount Olive Baptist Church in 1933, and is affiliated with the National Baptist Convention and the Wolverine State Baptist Convention. Its address, contacts, worship service schedules, and a calendar of events are published on the site, which includes driving directions, a prayer request form, and an overview of its congregational and community outreach ministries.
Featuring a church and a school in Saginaw, Michigan, the congregation is affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. Featured is a statement of beliefs, membership information, ministries, and service opportunities, as well as an introduction to the church's pastors, faculty, and staff. Addresses, maps showing the location of the church and school, and telephone and fax numbers are provided. The Peace Lutheran Church and School Foundation are also featured on the site.