Faith, religion, and spirituality in Hudsonville, Michigan are the focus of topics in this category.
Theologically, faith refers to a belief in a god or in a set of religious doctrines. Religion is a reference to a particular type of belief, particularly when organized into a system of doctrine and practice. Spirituality is more difficult to define, as its meaning has changed considerably, and it means something different to different people. Generally, spirituality is the state of begin dedicated to a god, a religion, or a worldview, which might also be defined as the manner in which a person pursues a religious life.
While any topics related to faith, religion, or spirituality in Hudsonville are appropriate for this category, most of the resources here will be links to websites representing ministries or places of worship in Hudsonville, Michigan. Most, if not all, of these, will be Christian churches, as other religions are not strongly represented in Hudsonville.
According to a recent national survey, residents of Hudsonville are more religious than the average Michigander or American. While 41.9% of Michigan residents and 49.4% of Americans cited an affiliation with a religion, 53.3% of Hudsonville residents were religious. Nearly all of these were Christians, and most were Protestants. Most commonly represented were the Presbyterians, by far. They were followed by the Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Mormons, Episcopalians, and Baptists, although a significant number cited an affiliation with Protestant churches that were not part of the survey, or with various non-denominational churches.
Recommended Resources
First Christian Reformed Church
Associated with the Christian Reformed denomination, the congregation meets on Sunday mornings and evenings at its facilities on 32nd Avenue in Hudsonville, Michigan. Holding to the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed, as well as the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort, the church's beliefs and practices are outlined, its schedules and calendars are posted, and an overview of its ministries and programs are set forth.
Harvest is an independent, fundamental Baptist congregation that holds that the King James Version of the Bible is God's preserved Word for English-speaking people, and the only version used. Included is a statement of beliefs, an introduction to the church, staff contacts, and information about its newcomer's classes. A calendar of events is published on the site, its programs and activities are announced, a contact form is available, and a video sermon archive is included.
Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church
The Hudsonville, Michigan congregation was organized in 1956, and its sanctuary was completed in 1960. The history of the church is documented on the site, and an introduction is provided for those who may be attending for the first time, including what to wear, where to park, and what its services are like. Preaching schedules, music ministries, and programs for children and youth, adult ministries, and outreach activities are posted. Members may sign up for the prayer line through the site.
Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church
Affiliated with the Protestant Reformed Churches in America, a separate denomination of Reformed Churches founded in 1924, the Hudsonville, Michigan congregation was organized in 1926. Featured is a statement of beliefs, an overview of its worship services, a church bulletin, pamphlets, and other informational articles, as well as a calendar of services and events, a map showing its location, telephone number, email address, contact form, and a sermon archive.
Meeting at its facilities on Port Sheldon Street in Hudsonville, Michigan, New Hope is affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). Enjoying a variety in music, the congregation follows the classic liturgy of the church. A statement of beliefs, directions, and a worship schedule is published on the site, along with a worship bulletin, news and updates, a calendar of events, streaming video of services, a video archive, photo gallery, and downloadable forms and pamphlets.
Trinity Protestant Reformed Church
Organized in 2001, the congregation is a daughter church of Hudsonville Protestant Reformed Church, and affiliated with the Federation of Protestant Reformed Churches in America, with roots in 16th-century Europe. Its history, a statement of beliefs, worship procedures, weekly schedules, and a calendar of programs and events are published on the site. Its physical and mailing addresses are posted, and a church service broadcast schedule and an archive going back to 2006 are included.