Aviva Directory » Local & Global » North America » United States » States » Michigan » Cities & Towns » Detroit » Faith & Spirituality

The focus of this guide is online topics related to faith, religion, and spirituality in the City of Detroit, Michigan. Websites representing ministries and places of worship within the city are appropriate for this guide.

According to the results of a recent survey, residents of Detroit are slightly more religious than the statewide average but less religious than the average locality in the United States. Although the survey did not include every religion represented in Detroit, it determined that the largest number of Detroiters claiming affiliation with a religion were Catholics, who were followed distantly by the Baptists, Muslims, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Mormons, and various Eastern faiths.

A significant percentage of respondents cited other Protestant denominations of non-denominational churches. Although not represented in the survey results, there are also Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, and other religious beliefs in Detroit, as well as various Orthodox Christian denominations. A chapter of the Satanic Temple was established in Detroit in 2014, although their membership at that time was around twenty.

The first founded in Detroit was Saint Anne de Detroit Catholic Church, which held its first services in 1701, and the oldest church building still standing in the city is the Saints Peter and Paul Jesuit Church, which opened in 1848. The current Saint Anne Church opened in 1886. The oldest Protestant church in Michigan, still at its original site, is now known as Christ Church of Detroit. It was built in 1863.

Whatever the religion, denomination, or sect, websites representing churches or ministries in Detroit are suitable for this category.



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