The focus of this category is on places to stay, which includes hotels, motels, inns, bed and breakfasts, and other lodging facilities in Biddeford, Maine.
Recommended Resources
The location, amenities, and rates for this year-round guest lodging facility in Biddeford are related here, along with a description of nearby attractions.
Learn about Choice Hotel reward and privilege programs. Find rates and amenities specific to the Biddeford Comfort Suites location.
Offering standard motel rooms and cottages, the history of this guest lodging facility is related, along with an overview of the rooms, common areas, and amenities. The room, cottage, and all-season rates are stated. and reservations may be made online.
General information about this year-round guest facility, located in Biddeford, Maine is presented here, including photographs of the rooms, directions to the motel, and rates, with the ability to reserve rooms online.