Pico Rivera, in Los Angeles County, California, was founded in 1784 and incorporated in 1958 after merging the communities of Pico and Rivera. Pio was named after the last governor of Californio, the Spanish colony.
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Advertises a café that serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to customers. Find a discount coupon, read testimonials and access the hours of service.
Provides access to city council information, meetings and service offerings. Includes local events calendar, city news, public notices and announcements, and city resources.
Shows photos of the restaurant’s interior and dining areas. Hours of service, menus, reviews and information on how to request a reservation are shown elsewhere on the site.
Shows a salon that provides hair cuts and spa treatments. Customers can purchase gift certificates, read the salon newsletter and read about current specials.
Find a church that holds services in Spanish and English. There is a way to request prayer, read church publications and review the institution’s missions work.
Pico Rivera Chamber of Commerce
Features the chamber's programs and services, activities and upcoming events. Includes chamber information, membership details, business directory, business resources and employment opportunities.
Read about the library’s history and hours of service. Readers can obtain a library card, search the catalog and find out about library events.
Shows an organization that organizes speakers and other public events. Review a list of the club’s officers, read about upcoming events and meeting times.
Presents a dental clinic that provides procedures such as tooth whitening, white filings and extractions. Patients can request an appointment and learn about the clinic’s dental technology.