Consists of links to realty companies, real estate agents, homes on the market and other dwellings for rent and purchase in Kingsburg, California.
Recommended Resources
Find listings of houses and other kinds of property for sale. Other sections of the site provides photos of properties on the market and a way to request advice from the company.
Offers listings of bank owned properties for sale. Also search through properties for sale and photographs of the city.
Publicizes a real estate company that has houses for sale in Kingsburg, Fresno, Selma and other locations in California. Search houses for sale by price, location and number of bathrooms.
Paul Bonander San Joaquin Valley Real Estate
Features a company that has properties for sale in the San Joaquin Valley. There is a way to search the MLS and listings of land and commercial properties.
Advertises a realty company that helps clients buy and sell properties. There is a mortgage calculator, reports on the area’s schools and a glossary of real estate terms.