Outlines the accommodations available to guests in Half Moon Bay, California including hotels, motels, RV areas, camp grounds, inn and bed and breakfasts.
Recommended Resources
Presents a hotel that has fitness facilities and meeting rooms. Links to the establishment’s vacation packages, special discounts and rates charged for accommodation.
Explore Half Moon Bay, while staying at the (name of hotel). The hotel is minutes away from Miramar Beach and Historic Main Street. Frequent travelers can benefit from the hotel’s rewards programs.
Humphreys Half Moon Inn & Suites
Advertises the hotel’s amenities for guest including a restaurant and upcoming concerts. Other sections of the site provide directions and a way to sign up for email offers.
Describes the inn’s vacation packages for guests. Also find a way to reserve a room, access photographs of the rooms and review the establishment’s food service.
Publicizes the inn’s grounds and accommodations. Sign up for the email newsletter, read the rates charged for rooms and view photos of the grounds.
View photographs of the loding’s interior and the nearby areas. Nearby attractions include lighthouses, wineries, farms and beaches.