Find out about churches, synagogues, religious charities, prayer groups and other spiritual organizations and institutions located in the city of Burbank in California.
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Burbank First United Methodist Church
Promotes a church that organizes worship services, music and art programs. Read the institution’s newsletters, find out how to book weddings at the church and request prayer.
Describes a synagogue’s services and the pre-school it offers. Information on how to become a member and donate to the organization is also provided.
View a statement of the church’s beliefs and access recent announcements. Also find out about the church’s classes and access an archive of classes dating back to 2000.
Saint Robert Bellarmine Church
Publicizes the church’s ministries for its members and the public. Includes daily readings, church announcements and view a list of parish groups and organizations.
Showcases a Roman Catholic Church’s ministries and school. Other sections of the site provide church bulletins, church education and contact information for church staff.
Presents a Jewish temple’s meetings and educational programs. Links to the men’s club, announcements, a calendar of events and a list of temple officers can be found elsewhere on the site.
Explains the church’s sermons and ministries for women, men and students. Other parts of the site describe the church’s missionary program and provide an overview of recent sermons.