Explore accommodations such as vacation rentals, resorts, bed and breakfast inns, hostels, motels, hotels, campgrounds, and RV parks in Auburn, California.
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Features full hookups and drive-through spaces with cable TV, phone jacks, and electricity. Includes park profile, rates, and directions.
Provides information about the guest rooms, hotel services, and availability of rooms at this hotel which is located in Auburn, CA.
Offers photographs of the Auburn, CA property, including the accommodations, a list of amenities, and a section regarding nearby attractions, eateries, and activities. Also provides rates and room availability.
View photographs of the inn’s grounds and rooms. Reserve rooms online, purchase a gift certificate and access testimonials from previous guests.
Presents a bed and breakfast that hosts parties and weddings. Guests can sign up for the establishment’s mailing list and read a history of the mansion.