A political party is a group organized to support their own particular political ideologies and whose members run for elected positions.
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The Constitution Party’s third party conservative political platform is focused on restoring the Federal Government to the Constitution’s provisions and has FEC recognized national party status.
The Democratic Party of the United States of America has traditionally taken the liberal position, favoring farmers, laborers, and religious and ethnic minorities, opposing unregulated business and finance, and lobbying for progressive income taxes.
The Green Party of the United States web site features candidate information, links to state parties, press releases, the Green Party platform, and more.
The Libertarian Party website explains the political views of this organization which strives to improve personal freedom and reduce the influence of government. You can register in this website to vote in American elections. You can also donate money to Libertarian party candidates here.
The Reform Party of the United States of America campaigns for nationwide fiscal responsibility and accountability.
The Republican Party, often referred to as the GOP, or Grand Old Party, in the United States, and is socially conservative and economically libertarian.