Aviva Directory » Local & Global » Europe » United Kingdom » Countries » Scotland » Cities & Towns » Motherwell » Faith & Spirituality

Matters of belief, faith, religion, and spirituality in Motherwell, Scotland, are the focus of this category.

Belief refers to the truths or claims we hold based on our spiritual journey. It arises from our experiences while seeking meaning, purpose, and significance. When we decide that something is true or not, we articulate various beliefs based on our spiritual striving.

Faith is the innate drive to seek meaning, purpose, and significance. It's a universal aspect of being human, regardless of religious affiliation. From a psychological perspective, faith is the recognition that there is something more beyond ourselves. Even atheists demonstrate faith when they seek deeper meaning in life and relationships.

Spirituality represents both the focus of our faith, whether God, nature, or something else, and the efforts we make to connect with those aspects. It is the path our faith travels as it seeks meaning and purpose. Prayer, observing the sacraments, or hiking are spiritual practices that activate our faith.

Religion involves a structured system of beliefs, rituals, and practices. It often centers around a deity or deities and is organized within a community. Religious traditions provide guidelines for conduct, respond to prayer, and assure the ultimate triumph of good over evil.

While belief shapes our truths, faith is the internal drive to seek meaning, spirituality represents the effort to explore something beyond ourselves, and religion provides a structured framework for communal practice.

Ministries and places of worship in Motherwell are appropriate topics for this category, regardless of the particular religion, denomination, or sect.

A few notable places of worship in Motherwell include Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral, also known as Motherwell Cathedral. Opened as a Roman Catholic parish church in 1900, it was elevated to cathedral status in 1948.

Kings Church is a multicultural, independent Christian church that has served the Motherwell community for over thirty years. Elim Christian Centre is an all-age church affiliated with the Elim Pentecostal Church.

A congregation of the Church of Scotland, Dalziel St. Andrew's Parish Church began as a Roman Catholic Church in the 12th century, becoming a Presbyterian church in the late 16th century, following the Scottish Reformation. Also affiliated with the Church of Scotland, the Crosshill Parish Church is linked with St. Margaret's Parish Church in Motherwell.

These are just a few of the churches and other places of worship in Motherwell, Scotland. These, and others, are appropriate resources for this portion of our web guide.



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