The central theme of this section of our web guide revolves around belief, faith, religion, and spirituality in Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Belief refers to the acceptance of something as true or real without necessarily requiring empirical evidence. It can encompass a wide range of convictions, from religious beliefs to personal convictions about the world. Beliefs might be individual or shared within a community. They shape our worldview, values, and behaviors.
Faith is closely related to belief, although it often carries a deeper, more personal dimension. It involves trust, confidence, and loyalty to something beyond oneself. Faith can be religious or non-religious, such as faith in love, humanity, or the justice system. While faith is often associated with religious contexts, it can also exist outside of organized religion.
Religion encompasses organized systems of beliefs, practices, rituals, and moral codes. It often involves a community of adherents who share common religious doctrines. Religions provide a framework for understanding the divine, the purpose of life, and ethical guidelines. Examples of religions include Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
Spirituality refers to an individual's inner quest for meaning, purpose, and connection to something greater than themselves. It may be experienced within or outside of religious institutions. Spirituality often involves practices like meditation, prayer, mindfulness, and seeking transcendent experiences.
The resources listed in this part of the guide are related to ministries or places of worship in Cumbernauld, most of which will be Christian churches of various denominations.
The Church of Scotland is the largest religious grouping in Scotland. More than 30% of the Scottish population identifies with the Church of Scotland, recognized as the national church, although it is independent of state control. Other, smaller, Presbyterian churches can also be found in Cumbernauld.
The Catholic Church accounts for over 15% of the Scottish population. Catholicism is more prominent in West Central Scotland and parts of the Scottish Highlands.
Representing the Anglican tradition, the Scottish Episcopal Church is the third largest denomination in Scotland.
One of the more prominent churches in Cumbernauld is the Holy Name Church, which is affiliated with the Scottish Episcopal Church. Others include Cumbernauld Free Church, Cumbernauld Church of Christ, and Freedom City Church, although there are several others, any of which would be appropriate resources for this category.
Recommended Resources
Affiliated with the Church of Scotland, the Church is located along Larch Road in Abronhill, Cumbernauld, Scotland. Its location, address, office hours, and contacts are published on the site, along with administrative contacts, service schedules, and an introduction to the church's groups and organisations, with schedules, contacts, announcements, and additional information for each. Bible studies and other church programmes and activities are included.
Located in the Cumbernauld Town Centre in Carron House, above the Royal Bank of Scotland, in the town of Cumbernauld, Scotland, the Church features worship services, Bible classes, youth work, and fellowship, as well as operating a food bank. Its building may also be available for use by the community. The church leadership is introduced, archives of its sermon series are available as audio recordings, an information blog, and an online contact form, are included.
The Gospel-centred church is located in the neighborhood of South Carbrain, Cumberbauld, Scotland. Its website features a statement of belief, a vision statement, and an introduction to the Free Church of Scotland denomination, a Presbyterian body, including a link to the denominational website and a map showing the location of other churches in that denomination. The church leadership are featured, contacts are included, and its building letting policies are defined.
Situated on Fleming Road in Seafar, Cumbernauld, Scotland, the Holy Name Church is part of the Scottish Episcopal Church and the United Diocese Glasgow and Galloway. Sunday worship service schedules are featured on the church's website, along with schedules community and fellowship programmes, photographs from around the church's building, hall rental policies, its policies on baptisms and marriage ceremonies, and a statement on the importance of prayer.
Parish Family of Sacred Heart & Saint Lucy's
A Roman Catholic parish of two churches in the town of Cumbernauld, Scotland, Sacred Heart and Saint Lucy's are made up of social groups, youth groups, and charity organisations, brought together by prayer and shared worship. The website offers practical information about the parish and churches, including mass times and other sacraments and programmes, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. Links to other nearby Catholic Churches are included.