Aviva Directory » Local & Global » Europe » United Kingdom » Countries » Northern Ireland » Cities & Towns » Lisburn » Education & Instruction

This category focuses on schools (at any level), colleges, and other educational programmes and facilities in Lisburn, Northern Ireland.

The first significant educational establishment in Lisburn was founded in 1774 for Quaker children and emphasized moral character development.

Historically, education in Lisburn was influenced by the city's industrial and religious heritage. The principle of separating religion from instruction in reading, writing, arithmetic, and sewing was adopted, with religious instruction left to parents and the church.

In 1899, the Agricultural and Technical Instruction (Ireland) Act marked the start of technical education in Ireland.

The education system in Northern Ireland has historically been divided along religious lines, with schools affiliated with either the Catholic or Protestant denominations. More than ninety percent of pupils attend schools that are effectively segregated along religious lines.

However, there is a growing movement towards integrated education, bringing children from different religious backgrounds together in the same schools. Passed in 2022, the Integrated Education Act is designed to support and promote integrated education throughout the country, including Lisburn.

Fort Hill Integrated Primary School enrolls children aged 4-11 and includes a nursery unit, with the option to continue into secondary education at Fort Hill Integrated College. Established in 1958, Fort Hill Integrated College enrolls students aged 11-18. These schools are inclusive, where students from different religious and cultural backgrounds learn together.

Lisburn is home to several prominent schools that have achieved recognition for outstanding academic performance and a commitment to education.

According to the School Guide, the top five schools in Lisburn are, in order: Friends' School, Wallace High School, Fort Hill Integrated College, Lisnagarvey High School, and St. Patrick's Academy. These schools have been recognized for their academic achievements and contributions to education in Lisburn.

Lisburn's education system has a mix of primary, secondary, and independent schools that cater to students with different needs and backgrounds, including special education centres, adult learning programmes, and tutoring services.

These, and any others, are appropriate for this category if they are located in Lisburn.



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