This category provides details on things to do and places to go when visiting Oxford, England including festivals, museums and other activities.
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Displays data about Oxford’s museum of art and archaeology which was founded in 1683 and features collections of Egyptian mummies, interactive family exhibitions, and sculptures with more than 200,000 items.
Museum of Natural History, Oxford
Focuses public attention to the natural history museum at Oxford, highlighting the earth, science, and nature specialization of the exhibits. Lists and describes various upcoming exhibitions as well as some of the services offered at the museum, including the object identification service and the research department. Also has a section for those looking for careers.
Museum of the History of Science
Allows those who are interested in visiting the museum the opportunity to explore various exhibits via the online collection database on the website. Also proffers videos about the topics and exhibits offered at the museum. Gives the reader the chance to donate online and to sign up for the electronic newsletter.
Features info about the annual chamber music festival which has been celebrated every year since 2000. Offers the chance to buy tickets online or to book free tickets for those between the ages of eight and twenty-five.
Publicises the festival which celebrates with more than fifty concerts as well as other events over a two-week period in October. Oxford Lieder’s Spring Song is the virtual “part two,” offering high-profile recitals and other events such as the Master courxe for young singers.
Gives details about this museum including a schedule of upcoming events, most along with a small presentation of the event. In addition, provides a virtual tour of the galleries and a bevy of past online exhibitions.
Oxford’s largest independently gallery space highlights from emerging artists. These artists are primarily British contemporary artists. The names of those artists are listed on the site along with a visual overview of their works, a biography, and news about the individuals.