Presents links to real estate companies, condominiums, furnished apartments, unfurnished apartments, public housing units and other places to live in Manchester, England.
Recommended Resources
This site speaks about a company that rents homes in Manchester. To that end, the company has a database on its website which will allow readers to search for the home of their dreams. Each property found in that database has an entry which contains photographs of the property as well as how many bedrooms, bathrooms, and pricing. A viewing can be arranged from the site.
Estate agents with property listed in Greater Manchester and the surrounding areas. The website provides search engine service for both lettings and sales. The site is frequented by sellers, landlords, buyers, and renters, commercial as well as residential. There are photographs, descriptions, locations, and pricing listed for each property.
Lets the reader know that this company leases fully furnished and totally equipped properties with no booking fees on any of their properties. Items of local interest are on this website, including the daily weather, the Imperial War Museum, and Dunham Forest Gollf Club.