This category provides an overview of parks and zoos based in Bristol, England.
Recommended Resources
This gallery operates as an internet and popup exhibition gallery and shares a host of artists, each with a brief biography of the artist and samples of their work. The website offers a free newsletter and a list of the services they perform.
Art gallery displays work created by local, regional, and international artists. There are new shows each month, and the site indicates that they aim to keep things new to the viewers. The site has some details about the most recent exhibitions, those scheduled for the near future, and previous exhibitions. There is also information about renting the venue.
The library system of the University of Bristol, which consists of nine libraries, maintains this web site which shares details about the library's basics, such as opening hours, finding books, and how to use the library. There is information about hours and locations of each of the libraries, including biological sciences, medical, chemistry, and arts libraries.
Shares an extensive list of things that are going on in Bristol, including conferences, places to eat and drink, where to hire a cycle, walking routes throughout the city, and competitions. There is a separate section for things that children might want to do, such as local zoos, animal farms, and museums.