Read websites about health and public safety in Bradford, England, including pharmacies, medical practitioners, and doctors' offices.
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This website is about the Bradford Chiropractic Clinic and they present all aspects of the business on the site. The site tells people what they can expect on their first visit. There is a list of the techniques available, including the Thompson Drop, Sacro Occipital Technique, and Dry Needling. Common problems are addressed, and the clinic's fees.
Bradford Regional Medical Center
Features details about the medical center which include those about the services offered there such as obstetrics, diagnostic imaging, cardiopulmonary, and the sleep center. There is a directory of the center's providers, each one including the doctor's name, specialty, and location, and information for patients and visitors.
Facilities maps, directions, and reviews of the institution are some of the items which are the focus of this web site. Also found here are quality of service ratings, and a list of departments and services along with a link to each of them.
Provides the web visitor with details about all aspects of the teaching hospitals in Bradford, which is made up of Bradford Royal Infirmary, Eccleshill, St. Luke's, Shipley, Westwood Park, and Westbourne Green hospitals.
Bradford’s Veterinary Physiotherapy
This website is about a veterinary practice which specializes in physiotherapy for dogs and horses. All six of the veterinary team is listed and each one is linked to a biographical profile. There is an explanation of what physiotherapy is and what a physiotherapist does as well as a section focused on equine physiotherapy and canine physiotherapy.
Promising "teeth for life," this dental office publicizes the dental team with short biographical profiles for each. Additionally shares videos of patients and former patients who talk about their experiences with the firm as well as a section of dental case studies, featuring "before and after" photographs as well as descriptions of and solutions for the problems. They also offer a free smile analysis.
There are approximately two dozen clinics in this medical centre, including the antenatal clinic which is led by a team of midwives, the diabetes clinic, asthma and COPD clinic, well baby clinic, and minor surgery clinic. There is a fresh roll of BBC health news, details about the practice, doctors, and staff.
Janet Fitt Counselling & Psychotherapy
Lays out the qualifications of the counsellor as well as her life's history and definition of counselling. Also displays frequently asked questions about the office location, pricing, and what will happen at the first visit. Contact information is available at the top of every page.
Muirhead & Associates Dental Practice
Presents details about a dental practice in Shipley including preventative dental checkups, dental headaches and their causes and cures, and dentures. Provides a list of treatments the practice offers, including a smile makeover, crowns, veneers, and invisible braces. There is also a "case of the week" feature which gives the background of a patient and the solution to the problem.
Introduces the veterinary surgeons and nurses as well as the administrative team. There is a lengthy list of services offered, including dentistry, ultrasound, laboratory tests, nursing clinics, and house calls. A section is devoted to discounts and other offers when they exist, and there is pet advice by way of articles here.
Well Being Institute of Massage and Reflexology
Displays facts about what massage is, what can be treated by massage, what risks are associate with it, and who should not avail themselves of massage and offers the same answers about reflexology. There is also information here about hydrotherm massage and Indian head massage.
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue
This is an informational web site hosted by the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue service. There is an updated list of pertinent news articles and a Twitter's latest relevant tweets. You can find a list of upcoming events such as fire marshal training courses and renewal training courses as well as tips for safety at home, at work, and in the community.
Local police department proffers a list of what to report to them which consists of anti-social behavior, drug dealing, hate crimes, domestic abuse, and criminal damage, to name just a few. For each of the items on that list, there is a check list of details about the report as well as information on how to report it, and various other pieces of information, depending on which crime is being focused on.
Declares the goodness of Yorkshire Vets and lists the services they offer, which include vaccinations for cats and dogs as well as hospital treatment and 24-hour care. Social media where the vets have a presence are all linked to from the site, and there are numerous reviews by pet parents whose pets have been treated by the vets.