This category provides details on educational institutions and instructional services based in Bradford, England.
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This school, which teaches discipleship as part of a quality education, started out in 1993 with sixteen families and a staff who believed in the importance of discipleship. There are sections about the primary school, the middle school, and the upper school.
Provides details about Bradford College, including some of the reasons for visitors students choose the school, course guides, student services, and the mission, vision, and strategy of the institution. Additionally, one may apply go register online.
Bradford Girls’ Grammar School
Lays out general information such as term the fact that the school is open to students from age 11 to 18, and term dates. The institution is actually made up of three schools: Lady Royd for children aged 4 to 11; Senior School for girls only from age 11 through 16, and Sixth Form for girls only from age 16 to 18.
The focus of this web site is the private, independent school and nursery. Details shared here include such things as information about the levels into which the school is divided, their aims and objectives, and the mission statement as well as after school activities available, and the term calendar.
A British University that offers a range of degrees programs. You can also find out about job opportunities at the university, and read information on Bradford's cultural attractions. Bradford alumni can find out how to stay involved with their institution.