Links to websites which contain information about such establishments as second-hand stores, sporting goods stores and shoe stores in Blackpool, England.
Recommended Resources
Independent florist lists just some of the occasions for which one might want to buy flowers, including anniversaries, get well soon, new baby, sympathy, and birthday. Displays numerous pictures of bouquets and arrangements, offers same day flowers, and shares local delivery times by location as well as days and hours of business.
Presents info about this family-owned business which has been in business since 1932. One may search for or browse various bouquets and arrangements and either shop online or at the Common Edge Road shop in Blackpool. The site further proclaims the shop's weekly deal and gives the shop's days and hours of business.
Situated on General Street in Blackpool, Lefton's Furniture's website shares photographs of all manner of furniture, from 4-door hinged wardrobes to Lazboy fabric sofas, and from dining sets to sofa beds. Also displays the latest news and events, and a lengthy section about the company and its history.
Established in 2002 by the husband-wife team of Pat Booth and Alison Placket, this independent bookshop sells books as well as toys, cards, pens, jewellery, and classical music CDs. You might want to join their Readers Club ad get a £5 voucher once the card is full. There is a section on this site which is dedicated to upcoming events, for example, the shop hosts lunch with an author as part of their "Literary Lunch" series.