Educational institutions around the world such as colleges, universities and grammar schools are the topic of this category.
Recommended Resources
Website provides information about top online accounting schools to find the school and program that matches a prospective student's career goals and interests.
Chicago School of Professional Psychology
The Chicago School claims to be the nation's largest graduate university focused exclusively on psychology and related behavioral sciences. Campuses are available in Chicago and Grayslake, Illinois, but also in Los Angeles, Westwood and Irvine, California, as well as in China. Additionally, the school has an online program. Its site describes the school itself, its approach, programs, campuses, and admissions policies.
The Cut Above Academy has been giving students the edge they need to become hairstylists, makeup and special effects artists of the future for more than 40 years.
Elite is the largest provider of beauty and spa therapy training in New Zealand.
European Council of International Schools
ECIS is a collaborative network that seeks to advance internationalism through education. Its goals and structure are defined, including membership benefits, conferences, events, professional development, fellowships, and other resources.
International Education and Resource Network
IEARN is a non-profit, global network seeking to enable teachers and students to better use the Internet and other technologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference. Some of its projects are discussed on its site, along with information about professional development.
International Schools Association
The ISA is a worldwide membership organization of schools adhering to defined key principles of internationalism based on the United Nations Charter and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The organization is defined, including its membership policies, services, projects, and events.
International Schools Services
ISS contracts with international and company sponsored school for teacher and administrator recruitment, procurement of supplies, financial management, consultation services, and other support services. An overview of the company is presented, along with a description of the services provided.
Promotes an educational institution with U.S. locations in Miami, Minneapolis and San Francisco, as well as Berlin, Hamburg, Madrid and Sao Paulo, outside of the United States, where students can learn the skills needed to succeed in the advertising industry. The school's programs include copywriting, account planning, art direction, fashion photography and graphic design.
New Zealand Institute of Sport
The New Zealand Institute of Sport is the leading education provider for people who have a passion for the sport, fitness, health and recreation industry.
New Zealand Management Academies
NZMA's wide range of vocational courses and qualifications will help you get an awesome job in one of these exciting industries.
Whether you're keen on a career in travel and tourism, flight attending, travel operations, or you just want to get out into the world, you won't be stuck in a classroom when you study with New Zealand School of Tourism.
The SLA is an international association which collects, analyzes, evaluates, packages and disseminates information to assist corporations, academic institutions and governments to make accurate decisions. Online resources include Click University, which stands for Continuous Learning to Improve Career Knowledge.
Inspired by New Zealand's vibrant food culture, The Culinary Collective is built around the ways people like to eat, drink and be entertained today.
Representing the viewpoints of its authors, rather than any association of Waldorf schools, this site discusses the anthroposophical theories driving the Waldorf schools, describing the educational tradition of Waldorf, Rudolph Steiner and anthroposophy.
Washington Online Learning Institute
Washington Online Learning Institute is a regionally accredited career college that offers affordable, high-quality, online college programs in legal studies, business, IT and health care.
Westwood offers a variety of diploma, associate, bachelor's and master's programs, in a number of areas, including business administration, criminal justice, game art and design, and computer network management. Its programs may be completed at one of its colleges, located in six states, or online. Its programs, locations, admissions policies, financial aid and tuition are described.
Sponsored by the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America, its educational theories are described, further details about Waldorf education provided, teacher preparation resources, and a list of Waldorf schools throughout the world.
Yoobee College of Creative Innovation is New Zealand's largest specialist creative and technology college.