This category is reserved for sites which address the plan or movement which attempts to bring about systematic change in the way educational institutions are run or educational theory is instituted.
Recommended Resources
American Society for Ethics in Education
The web site for this non-profit organization provides information about its mandate to expose corruption and illegal practices in public schools.
This web site provides information about the use of outdated history textbooks and other educational materials; with a mandate to update the curriculum supplies.
CEED, the Communities Evolved, Empowered + Democratic, is a non-profit organization which provides information about education reform, specifically the future of K-12 education as a whole.
Center for Public School Renewal
This web site provides information on how more educational freedom of teachers to teach, parents to choose, and the public to know will help to improve public schools.
CLUE, the Comprehensive Legislative Update on Education, is a non-profit organization concerned with education reform and policy issues pertaining to K-12 education.
This web site provides information about the need for multi-racial, educational research and reform; with a mandate to improve public schools in the 50 largest American cities.
This web site provides information about the progress of public education reform in the state of Massachusetts.
The web site provides information about this non-profit organisation's mandate to improve non-selective comprehensive education in Northern Ireland.
This web site explores the need for education reform; complete with information about the role of technology, specifically the internet in K-12 education reform.
National resource center that promotes migrant education is concerned with a handful of important issues including dropout prevention and literacy. Also available here is information about the center's legislative efforts.
With contents geared towards college students, this site covers religion, life, love and sex, racism and other important issues faced by college students from a biblical point of view.
This web site provides information about education reform in the United Kingdom; specifically the freedom of students being able to choose what they want to learn and when they want to learn it.
This web site provides information about the national campaign to guarantee a quality public education for every child in the nation.
HSE, the Human Scale Education, is a non-profit organization concerned with the education reform movement in the United Kingdom.
This web site discusses language, culture and education. Provides information on how to reform elementary and secondary schools.
This web site provides information about the need for a quality education with an increasingly diverse student population.
Journal of Philosophy, Science & Law
The Journal is an interdisciplinary publication that concentrates on issues of commonality between the fields of applied philosophy, science and the law. Included here are featured articles, news items, editorials, book reviews, and other topics.
National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools
Network of people interested in alternative community schools offers membership for jobs, news, publications and other resources for all those who wish to join and help push their mandate of creating an egalitarian society and erasing oppression for all those in society.
This web site provides information about the importance of new schools, and to develop strategies for education reformation.
OQE, the Organization for Quality Education, is a non-profit organization of parents, teachers, and trustees dedicated to reforming elementary and secondary education in the province of Ontario.
A non-profit organization with a mandate to improve public schools by increasing and organizing parental involvement across the United States of America.
This web site provides information about the need for school reform of every level of education in the province of Quebec, Canada.
An online educational activist magazine, with subscription, publishing educational materials for the teacher to use in the classroom aimed at reforming elementary and secondary classrooms towards equity and social justice.
This web site serves as a forum for the education reform project studying the methods of high performing middle schools.
This web provides information about the researched techniques to improve learning in the classroom; complete with a section on education reform.
This is a non-profit organisation advocating a boycott on all standardized college-entrance testing across the nation; with information about total education reform.
This web site provides information about its education reform research, and action projects in elementary/secondary schools across the country.
Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children's Entertainment is an organization of early childhood professionals that works to promote a positive play environment for children.