The United Nations is an organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security
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The United Nations Bibliographic Information System (UNBISnet) provides catalogue access to the publications and other records created by the United Nations. You can also search through the voting records of the General Assembly and Security Council here. In addition, the website provides limited access to speeches given at the UN.
The ODS provides access to the official documents of the United Nations. You can search the full text of almost every United Nations publication from 1993 onwards using this system. The website does not include UN treaties, press releases or brochures made by the Department of Public Information.
UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, encourages international peace and universal respect by promoting collaboration among nations.
UNEVOC, the International Project on Technical and Vocational Education, is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and improving technical and vocational education.
UNIDIR, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, is a non-profit organization conducting research on disarmament and security.
The United Nations University seeks to contribute to the global efforts to resolve the pressing worldwide problems through research.
UNRISD, the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, is a non-profit organization dedicated to multidisciplinary research on the social dimensions.