This category is home to websites about the pro-war and anti-war movements, pacifism, non-interventionism, and isolationism as ideologies.
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Abolition 2000 is a non-profit organization working towards peace with a global treaty to eliminate nuclear weapons; web site contains suggestions for peaceful, yet direct action.
Action for Peace if a non-profit organization promoting a wide range of progressive resources on peace; with features for students.
Adopt-A-Minefield is a non-profit organisation which raises awareness and funds to clear landmines and rehabilitate landmine survivors.
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is an organization that seeks to improve the world through passivism and progressive politics. Motivated by Quaker beliefs, you can read about the organization's views on the Iraq campaign, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, immigrant rights', economic justice, and other issues.
AMP is a non-profit association of people dedicated to eliminating the use of war as a means of solving disputes among nations, people, and ideologies, and seeking to meet its objectives through education and activism. A history of the organization is put forward, along with an explanation of its function, access to resources, and contact data.
On the topics of racism, politics and peace, news headlines are presented here, as garnered from news sources throughout the Internet, along with announcements, a news list, and links to like-minded web resources.
The International Coalition to ban uranium weapons, an organization that seeks to control the use of these special weapons, displays a draft treaty that bans the weapons, scientific newspapers, and leaflets that discuss uranium-based weapons.
A political website that advances Manifesto 2000, a progressive political vision, displays the manifesto, which was originally issued by the United Nations General Assembly, here. There is also a range of interesting books here on children and nonviolence and other subjects.
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
The CND is a British organization formed to work toward ridding the world of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. An overview of the organization is put forward, along with an account of its active campaigns and a plea for others to get involved.
The Canadian Peace Alliance is a non-profit organization which focuses on Canadian foreign policy; complete with peace information.
CFPA, the Coalition for Peace Action, is a non-profit organization lobbying the for a peaceful economy, through a halt to weapons trafficking at home and abroad.
Cities for Peace is a non-profit organization of concerned citizens working for civic resolutions regarding the war in Iraq, as well as its re-building.
Conciliation Resources is a non-profit organization providing information on peacebuilding pursuits and other related initiatives.
CPT, the Christian Peacemaker Teams, is a non-profit organization committed to faith-based non-violent alternatives where peace is at risk.
Sells flags, pins, ribbons, magnets and similar items that you can use to show your support for American troops.
The Foundation for Peace is a non-profit organization working to develop in young people a better understanding of the nature and causes of conflict and war.
Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space
GN is a coalition of individuals and organizations united in opposition to the use of nuclear power in space, and to the militarization of space in any form. Its history and mission are defined, along with a schedule of events, reports, articles, videos, music, literature and other products.
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict
The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict is an organization that seeks to help people avoid war and other kinds of armed conflict. The organization provides a wide ranging of programmes including knowledge generation, awareness raising and early warning to help people avoid conflict.
The Global Peace Initiative promotes international policy to resolve conflict and address human crises with community-based solutions for peace.
Global Peace Services is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting peace and conflict resolution through direct and non-violent action.
Grandmothers for Peace International
Founded in 1982, Grandmothers for Peace is a non-profit organization involved in antiwar efforts, as well as activities related to the dangers of nuclear power plants, radioactive waste, nuclear testing, global militarism and other peace and justice issues. Its site includes resources and contacts for activism, scholarship information, and a newsletter.
In Defense of Freedom is a non-profit organization which actively supports a detailed ten-point statement regarding September 11, 2001 which ultimately lead to the war in Iraq.
International Volunteers for Peace
The International Volunteers for Peace is a non-profit organisation promoting understanding among peoples around the world through volunteering programs.
National Academy of Arbitrators (NAARB)
The website of the National Academy of Arbitrators (NAARB) is a professional organization for those who help to settle disputes. You can find out about the code of professional responsibility that members of this organization follow. The website also has information on how to become a member of the academy.
National Justice and Peace Network
The National Justice and Peace Network is a non-profit organisation concerned with both justice and peace around the world.
The Non-Violent Peaceforce is a non-profit coalition of trained civilians from almost 90 member organization from 5 continentsNonviolent Peaceforce is an unarmed, professional civilian peacekeeping force that is invited to work in conflict zones throughout the world, working with local groups to facilitate dialogue among parties in conflict, and to provide a safe place for civilians. An overview of the organization, its work, and its policies are provided.
Not In Our Name is a non-profit organization which actively lobbies against the War on Terrorism. Web site offers information on the history of the war.
The Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is a non-profit organization which provides research and analysis on global peace with the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Site contains details about the book, "America in Peril," which points out patterns of fear-mongering and deception by those who have populated the White House and provides information aimed at motivating citizens to care, leaders to be responsible, and the global community to live harmoniously.
Peace Now UK is a non-profit organisation using the occasion of the anniversary of the start of the Six Day War, as a time for promoting peace in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
The Peace Pledge Union is a non-profit organisation promoting peace through secular pacifist means around the globe; with a number of petitions.
The Peres Center for Peace is a non-profit organization advancing peace through social and economic co-operation and people-to-people relations.
Safer World is a non-profit organisation that works with governments and civil society internationally to formulate new strategies to increase peace.
Advocating for the international intervention on the War in Darfur. Learn how the conflict begun and take part on the organization's current campaigns to save Darfur and its people.
The Search for Common Ground is an organization that seeks to transform the world in a positive way – away from conflict and toward collaboration and cooperation. The organization runs programs for children and youth, gender issues and other social problems. The organization's international goals include fostering Western-Islamic relations.
The Star Alliance is a non-profit organization created to promote peace programs worldwide; with its Declaration of Ideals, as well as information on its Good Will Tours.
United For Peace is a non-profit organization promoting both national and international peace, as well as social justice around the world.
USIP, the United States Institute of Peace, is a non-profit organization promoting the peaceful resolution of all forms of international conflict.
Waging Peace is a non-profit organisation which campaigns against genocide and systematic human rights abuses around the world.
WILPF, the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, is a non-profit organization which works to achieve world peace through disarmament.
Women's Action for New Directions
WAND is an organization charged with empowering women to take political action for peace and away from militarism and violence. The site includes news bulletins, an action area, and contact data.
The World at War is a comprehensive guide to past, present, and ongoing wars, including information on the separate conflicts and platforms.
World Peace is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading peace around the world through prayer, and other non-violent means.
World Peace Day was created by concerned citizens to celebrate and promote peace and conflict resolution both domestically and internationally.
News publication focusing on the issues that affect peace.
World Peace Society of Australia
The World Peace Society of Australia is a non-profit organisation working for world peace through eace education material for schools and on-line actions for peace.