Advocacy organizations, causes and lobbying efforts pertaining to issues of hunger are the focus of this category.
Recommended Resources
AAH UK, the Action Against Hunger United Kingdom, is a non-profit organisation providing extensive assistance with sanitation, food, and disaster preparedness around the world.
Action Against Hunger is a non-profit organization that delivers emergency aid and to people suffering from natural disasters or man-made crises.
Grocery relief and financial support provider. Includes general information and the latest news about the organization as well as online donation information. Features monthly menu and a variety of recipes.
Bread for the World is a non-profit organization seeking justice for the world's hungry people by lobbying the nation's decision makers.
CGFI, the Center for Global Food Issues, is a non-profit organization concerned with the pursuit of economically viable means of sustainable agriculture and feeding the world's poor.
CGIAR, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, is a non-profit organization which contributes to food security and poverty eradication in developing countries.
City Harvest is a non-profit organization which provides information on its food donations, volunteer opportunities, as well as recipient eligibility guidelines.
Daily Bread Food Bank is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating hunger in and around the city of Toronto, and the greater Toronto area.
Empty Bowls is a non-profit organization which promotes community projects and programs that support food banks and soup kitchens.
FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, is a non-profit organisation which leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
Farm Share is a non-profit organization that recovers food from farms, wholesalers and other groups which is donated to feed the hungry.
The Food Chain is a non-profit organisation which distributes hot meals to patients living at home in the Greater London area of the United Kingdom.
Food First is a non-profit organization focusing on issues of hunger, food, poverty, agriculture, trade, as well as rural development.
Food For All is a non-profit organization which promotes anti-hunger programs both domestically and internationally; complete with information on how individuals and corporations contribute.
Food for the Poor is a non-profit organization that works within Latin America and the Caribbean to raise funds and distribute them through established churches charities.
Food Gatherers is a non-profit organization which works to alleviate hunger by rescuing foods otherwise destined for waste, and then distributing these and other non-perishable foods.
Food on Foot is a non-profit organization that provides food and clothing to homeless individuals and families; with donation and volunteer information.
Food Research and Action Center
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting hunger in America. You can find about about federal food programs including food stamps as well. The organization is also running a campaign to end childhood hunger.
Foodpath is a non-profit organization with a mandate to end hunger throughout the province of Ontario, as well as nationwide, via its various programs.
Freedom from Hunger is a non-profit organization that offers sustainable programs and self-help solutions to hunger and poverty around the world.
The Frontline Foundation is a non-profit organization which provides an emergency meal program; complete with information on how to help.
Golden Harvest is a non-profit organization which provides grocery products to the hungry; web site includes news and information about its direct services.
HAFB, the Huntington Area Food Bank, is a non-profit organization which serves the region; with hunger facts, and information on how to help.
Harvest for Hunger is a non-profit organization which holds an annual food and fund drive to help feed the hungry; with campaign and donation information.
Hunger in America is a non-profit organization concerned with the provision of emergency food to clients through charitable feeding agencies across the country.
Hydro for Hunger is a non-profit organization that helps hunger relief organizations by supplying hydroponic equipment. The organization provides a number of products such as wind tunnel fans, MegaGarden and so on. You can find out about the organization's participants which include All Good Hydroponics, Advanced Garden Supply and Alabama County Hydroponics.
IFPRI, the International Food Policy Research Institute, is a non-profit organization which identifies and analyzes policies for meeting the food needs of the developing world.
National Hunger Awareness Day was created to raise awareness as to what individuals, organizations, and businesses can do to help end hunger.
Nourish the Children is a non-profit organization with a mandate to help feed starving children by donating meals developed by food scientists and nutritionists at First Harvest International.
The Ottawa Food Bank is a non-profit organization which provides food to the need; web site complete with campaign and program information, as well as an FAQ.
Results is a non-profit organization working to create the political will to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty and destitution.
Senior Gleaners is a non-profit organization allocating surplus food for clients and charities in need; with donation and volunteering information.
Share Our Strength is a non-profit organization mobilizing both individuals and industries to fight hunger and and poverty, as well other economic development programs.
Stop Hunger Now is a non-profit organization that coordinates the distribution of food and other international hunger-relief to crisis areas across the globe.
Online activism effort that aims to eradicate world hunger. Includes information on the organization's projects, news, world hunger facts and figures, teacher resources and stories of hope.
THP, the Hunger Project, is a non-profit organization with a mandate to end hunger through leadership, training, and education.
WFP, the World Food Programme, is a non-profit organisation which appeals to the members of the United Nation to help end hunger.
WHY, the World Hunger Year, is a non-profit organization with a mandate to provide food supplies, as well as nutrition and agriculture information.
An on-line magazine about world hunger and poverty in the United States, is published by World Hunger Education Service (WHES).
World Peace Flag is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping feed and education the hungry and starving; with a flag and booklet for donations of food or funds.