This is the category with links to sites about abortion, from the point of view of those in favor of the procedure.
Recommended Resources
The Abortion Access Project is a non-profit organization with a mandate to ensure access to abortion and other reproductive health services.
The Abortion Reality Check web site provides information and news on pregnancy termination procedures and other options pertaining to reproductive health.
CARAL, the California Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, is a non-profit organization providing information on reproductive choice and related issues.
Consortium for Emergency Contraception
The Consortium for Emergency Contraception promotes the availability of emergency contraception in the form of the "morning-after pill". Web site includes a comparison chart on pill formulations and other reproductive health education.
International Consortium for Medical Abortion
The International Consortium for Medical Abortion is a non-profit organization for individuals interested learning more about medical abortion.
NARAL, the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, is a non-profit organization advocating for and providing information on reproductive rights.
NNAF, the National Network of Abortion Funds, is a non-profit organization providing medical and financial assistance to women seeking abortions.
Offers information about abortion, sexual health, birth control, emergency contraception, and more.
Advocacy group working to advancing population and abortion and related health services.
PRCH, the Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, is a non-profit organization concerned with taking a more active and visible role in support of universal abortion. provides abortion and live unplanned pregnancy help with the aim to give those who are on an unplanned pregnancy situation the chance to talk to someone who will give them information that will help them make an educated decision. The website provides information on how you can contact them and allows you to locate a nearby center. The website also provides helpful abortion links and information about abortion, pregnancy symptoms and features families who are open for adoption.
Professional association of abortion practitioners. Offers information for pregnant women, medical professionals and policymakers on abortion and other options, clinic violence, and ensuring reproductive choice.
The Pro Choice Talk web site presents information and other resources on both the pro-choice and the pro-life sides of the abortion debate.
The Pro-Choice Action Network is a non-profit organization promoting a woman's right to choice on abortion; with a newsletter focused on reproductive choice in Canada.
Prokando is a non-profit organization promoting candidates who believe in abortion and campaigning against legislation that would deny a woman the right to choose.
Protect Choice is a non-profit organization promoting the cause through education and information about the past, present and future of the Pro-Choice Movement.
The Center for Reproductive Rights is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring that all women have access to reproductive health services.
The Power of Choice Project is a non-profit organization promoting abortion and educating the public through film.
WRRAP, the Women's Reproductive Rights Assistance Project, is a non-profit organization providing funding for women of all ages unable to pay for either emergency contraception or an abortion.