This category contains a listing of non-profit organizations concerned with all aspects of Family Planning.
Recommended Resources
AMWA, the American Medical Women's Association, is a non-profit organization with a mandate to improve reproductive health and overall well-being of women across the country.
ARHA, the Australian Reproductive Health Alliance, is a non-profit organization which provides information on world population and development from a reproductive health perspective.
ASRM, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, is a non-profit organization with a mandate to reproductive medicine within the USA.
AVSC International is a non-profit organization which works to improve and promote reproductive health services available worldwide.
Web site provides information on the reproductive health programs and procedures offered at the British Columbia Women's Foundation Health Centre.
Centre for Reproductive Medicine
The Centre for Reproductive Medicine is a non-profit organisation which provides reproductive health information and services for people in the United Kingdom.
The Choice web site serves as a virtual library for the reproductive health and rights center; alphabetically indexed and fully searchable.
The Contraception Online web site provides information and other resources on overall reproductive health, as well as family planning.
Engender Health is a non-profit organization working to improve the quality of reproductive health and family planning services worldwide.
ESHRE, the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, is a non-profit organization with a mandate to promote and advance the science of reproductive medicine.
Family Care International is a non-profit organization with a mandate to improve women's reproductive health and rights in developing countries.
FFPRHC, the Faculty of Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, is a non-profit organization with a mandate to improve the quality of sexual and reproductive healthcare offered in the United Kingdom.
FHI, the Family Health International, is a non-profit organization which provides information on research, education and other services in field of reproductive health.
FPAID, the Family Planning Association International Development, is a non-profit organisation focused on the sexual and reproductive health of the Asia Pacific region.
FPAOFNYS, the Family Planning Advocates of New York State, is a non-profit organization which provides information on a full range of reproductive health choices available in the state of New York.
FRMC, the Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Centre, is a non-profit organization which provides information on reproductive health treatment options.
GAWH, the Global Alliance For Women's Health, is a non-profit organization with a mandate to improve reproductive health care services and research for women.
HAIN, the Health Action Information Network, is a non-profit organization providing education and research with an emphasis on reproductive health.
International Centre for Reproductive Health
The International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) seeks to improve the acceptability, accessibility and quality of reproductive health services.
International Menopause Society
The International Menopause Society is a non-profit organization focused on promoting knowledge concerning reproductive health, specifically menopause.
IPAS is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving women's lives, specifically focusing on their reproductive health. Web site available in English and Spanish.
IPPF, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, is a non-profit organization providing reproductive health and family planning services in more than 180 countries.
IWHC, the International Women's Health Coalition, is a non-profit organization promoting women's reproductive and sexual health and rights worldwide.
MWRI, the Magee-Women's Research Institute, is a non-profit organization which focuses its research efforts in areas of women's reproductive health.
National Center for Excellence in Women's Health
The National Center for Excellence in Women's Health is a non-profit organization with a mandate to advance the field of women's reproductive health.
National Women's Health Foundation
The National Women's Health Foundation is a non-profit organization providing information on reproductive health services through education.
Natural Family Planning Information
The web site for Natural Family Planning provides information and other resources on natural family planning approaches and reasons for its utilization as a means of birth control.
NFPRHA, the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, is a non-profit organization providing access to family planning and reproductive health care services worldwide.
ORWH, the Office of Research on Women's Health, is a non-profit organization with a mandate to fund research into reproductive health issues involving women.
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a non-profit organization which provides information and other resources for both sexual and reproductive health.
Population Services International
This is a non-profit organization that provides low-cost health and family planning products and services to lower income people. Find country programs, resources, news and a monthly e-newsletter.
PPFC, the Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada, is a non-profit organization which provides information on reproductive health in Canada and around the world.
Project Safe is a non-profit organization with a mandate to improve and promote reproductive health by reducing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases among women.
Reproductive Choice Australia is a non-profit organization which provides information on reproductive choices available within Australia.
RHGateway, the Reproductive Health Gateway, is a non-profit organization which provides information on a variety of reproductive health topics.
RHO, the Reproductive Health Outlook, is a non-profit organization which provides information on family planning issues related to reproductive health.
SHFPA, the Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia, is a non-profit organisation with a mandate to provide information and other resources for family planning.
SHINSEA, the Sexual Health Agency in South Australia is a non-profit organisation which provides information and other resources on available sexual and reproductive health services.
Society for Women's Health Research
The Society for Women's Health Research is a non-profit organization with a mandate to improve the reproductive health of women through education and research.
The Women's Health Collaborative is a non-profit organization which provides information about the risks and side effects of various women's reproductive health procedures.
WOOMB, the World Organisation Ovulation Method Billings, is a non-profit organization which provides information on the Billings Ovulation Method of natural family planning.