Sites about or belonging to organizations or lobbying efforts related to healthcare which is provided by the government are housed in this category.
Recommended Resources
The Access Project is a non-profit organization promoting health access at the local community level; with fact sheets on the uninsured.
ACSH, the American Council on Science and Health, is a non-profit organization concerned with issues related to national medicare.
AFCM, the Americans for Free Choice in Medicine, is a non-profit organization which promotes individual rights, and personal responsibility in the health care industry.
The web site for American Health Care Reform advocates for universal health care coverage in America regardless of age, gender, or income.
CAHI, the Council for Affordable Health Insurance, promotes a free-market approach to reform, and works to preserve freedom of choice and quality and affordability of healthcare.
The Catholic Health Association is a non-profit organization created to urge the President and Congress to restore Medicare, Medicaid, and other health services funding.
The Center for Healthcare Reform is a non-profit organization created to address the needs of the more than nine million children without health insurance.
Citizens' Council on Health Care
The Citizens' Council on Health Care is a non-profit organization lobbying for positive changes and other improvements to medicare in the USA.
The Commonwealth Fund is a non-profit organization that advocates independent research on health and social issues and makes grants to improve health care practice and policy.
Covering the Uninsured is a non-profit organization campaigning to raise awareness of the challenges facing the millions of Americans with no health insurance.
DestinationRX lobbies for drug policy in the USA with respect to the delivering of prescription medicines from industry clients to consumers.
Everybody In, Nobody Out, or EINO, is lobbying for a universal healthcare program in the United States of America.
Fair Medicare lobbies to increase access to comprehensive coverage and benefits, as well as provide healthcare for the elderly and the disabled.
Families USA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the achievement and advancement of quality, affordable health and long-term care for all Americans.
The Galen Institute is a non-profit organization focusing on free-market health care reform and medicare tax policies and programs.
HCFAMA, Health Care for All Massachusetts is a non-profit organization advocating accessible, adequate and affordable health care to everyone.
Health Action International is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of consumers in drug policy and believes that all drugs marketed should be safe, effective, and affordable.
Web site contains a detailed plan presented by a medical doctor to reform the health-care system by restructuring medical education.
HealthWatch UK is a non-profit organisation which campaigns for the proper assessment and testing of treatments, whether orthodox, traditional, or alternative.
IAHF, the International Advocates for Health Freedom, campaigns for the access to alternative medicine as well as mainstream medicine.
IHLS, the Institute of Health Law Studies, is a non-profit organization advocating research, and community service to promote quality and safety in health care.
ISMP, the Institute for Safe Medical Practices, is a non-profit organization lobbying for the improvement of patient safety in hospitals.
The Kaiser Family Foundation is a non-profit organization advocating policy issues such as managed care, medicare, universal health insurance coverage, and patients rights.
MAMA, the Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse, campaigns for a rational approach to the issues of drug use and its effect on the family.
Medical Research Modernization Committee
The Medical Research Modernization Committee is a non-profit organization evaluating the benefits, risks and costs of medical research methods and technologies.
Offers news for Medicare beneficiaries, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, aimed at helping people find Medicare plans in their area and how to request free information from selected plans, to compare the costs of Medicare Plans with Part D prescription drug benefits, and to view information about supplemental insurance.
National Academy for State Health Policy
The National Academy for State Health Policy is a non-profit organization addressing pressing health care policy issues of concern to state governments.
New England Healthcare Institute
The New England Healthcare Institute is a non-profit organization protecting and promoting innovation in health care and health policy research.
Partners In Health is a non-profit organization which lobbies for medicare worldwide; with a special emphasis on low income individuals and families.
PCRM, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, is a non-profit organization that advocates preventive medicine, and encourages higher standards for ethics and effectiveness.
The Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) lobby for a single-payer, universal, medicare program, by organizing rallies and debates.
The non-profit organization offers media space for elected officials, healthcare industry leaders, and community advocates to show their support for the Affordable Care Act, and to hold accountable those who seek to take these benefits away. Press events are featured, along with stories and video from people in favor of the Act.
The Praxis Project is a non-profit organization that campaigns to bridge the health gap facing communities of color. Web site provides resource information.
UHCAN, the Universal Health Care Action Network, lobbies for sustainable and universal healthcare in the United States of America.
Vote Health is a non-profit organization advocating for a national level of universal healthcare and to make healthcare available to everyone.
Nonprofit organization toward advancing the level of debate as to what must be done to solve our growing crisis in health care.