The web sites listed in this category deal with issues which teens and pre-teens deal with and include descriptions of those issues as well as solutions and organizations which help to resolve those issues.
Recommended Resources
The AADAC 4 Kids website helps children in Alberta and other places deal with the challenges raised by alcohol and drug abuse. Children can also find help in dealing with their fears. The Express Yourself website has art and poetry to help children cope with alcohol.
Boost is a non-profit organization which provides information and other resources that will help teens deal with everything, from homework to gang-related violence.
The DiscoverTeenergy web site provides comprehensive information and advice on various issues pertaining to teenagers; topics range from bullying to pregnancy.
Provide students with homework help resources. Directory organized into twelve subject areas: American history, art, computers, current events and newspapers, foreign languages, geography and social studies, health, English skills, mathematics, music, sciences, and world history. Also includes reference resources such as almanacs, atlases, calendars, career information, dictionaries, encyclopedias, library and ask-an-expert sites, museums, quotations, study skills.
Created by Inside Market Strategy (IMS), the site offers resources for youth, adults, and communities interested in learning about teen dating violence. The project's history is set forth, and the site includes information about teen violence, evaluating the signs of teen violence, and how to talk to teens about the problem of teen violence. Links to other online resources on teen violence and public awareness campaigns are included, along with an informational blog.
Teen Line Online is a place to seek information and resources to assist those contemplating suicide; from survivors of suicide victims.