Birds are warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrate animals covered with feathers. This category is for sites about domestic bred birds that are kept as pets.
Recommended Resources
Provides information for raising, keeping and appreciating chickens. Includes a learning center with how-to pages and chicken glossary, coop designs index with building how-to, breeds database, message boards, image gallery and fun pages.
Birds n Ways Guide to Parrots and Exotic Pet Birds
Website includes links to general and species related articles and FAQs, veterinarians, books and magazines, experts, breeders, clubs and associations, bird shows, products and supplies, and services. Extensive information, including mailing lists, chat rooms, and even how to make bird toys.
Parrot Expo.Com is a comprehensive, two year calendar listing of bird events, bird shows, parrot expos, parrot marts, bird marts, bird conferences or bird seminars and other avian events, from around the country.
Geared toward smaller birds, with information on all parrots including Australian Parrots, South American Parrots, African Parrots, and. Includes articles on how to buy a bird, avian health and nutrition, and a reference library.
A comprehensive guide on all species of parrots, how to take care of them and how to train parrots.
Provides information on all types of birds, including waterfowl, game birds, exotic birds, rare and endangered birds. Provides an extensive image, audio and video library and links to exotic bird breeders.
Salem's Java Sparrows is a British website dedicated to various Java Sparrows, including breeding and keeping of these birds. The Projects section of the website provides advice on building cages for birds, growing meal worms and other practical matters. The website also has a shop where you can purchase bird keeping products.
The Complete Lexicon of Parrots
This website is devoted to the science of psittacine birds with an overview focusing on individual species. Additional links to websites that discuss parrots as pets are also given. Excellent images and descriptions of parrot and parrot-related birds are included.
Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop
Wild Birds Unlimited is a retail store and franchiser that sells bird products. It specializes in bird seeds, feeders, and other bird supplies. Founded as a single store in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1981, it began selling franchises in 1983 and now has a few hundred franchises in the United States and Canada. The site offers a store locator, although online shopping is also available. Live cams, a podcast, product warranty data, and informational articles are included.
A guide to avian health and care, bird illness and injury, well bird exams, bird diagnostics, caring for handicapped birds, avian immune system and reproduction, information about the feather donation project, and a visit to the wild parrots of Tambopata, Peru.