Peter Thorkelson, better known as Peter Tork, was born in Washington, D.C. on February 13, 1942. He began taking piano lessons when he was 9, and moved on to all sorts of different instruments thereafter, including banjo and guitar. He went to high school in Willimantic, Connecticut and soon after, moved to New York City to be a musician. In 2009, he announced that he had been diagnosed with adenoid cystic carcinoma, which affected his head and neck. He is in remission. He has been married three times and has three children.
Recommended Resources
Peter Tork: The Official Website
Peter Tork's official website involves an area where one can download and listen to music, his biography, a mailing list, and a blog as well as links to his Twitter Facebook, and iTunes sections.
The official Monkees site dedicates this section to Peter Tork and shares news items about him and his music, photographs from then and now, and the chance to buy his music on iTunes and merchandise elsewhere, including eBay.
Fan site built in honor of former Monkee Peter Tork. There is an interactive message board for fans, photographs, and Peter's biography. Also announces upcoming shows and events.