On September 25, 1961, in Los Angeles, California, Heather Deen Locklear was born. She was raised in Thousand Oaks, in southern California and attended UCLA. She became a model in commercials for the school store, and went on to ply television parts. She was married to Tommy Lee, drummer for Motley Crue, from 1986 to 1993. In 1994, after that divorce was final, she married Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora, from whom she was divorced in 2007. She has one child, a girl, born in 1997.
Recommended Resources
Fan site devoted to Heather Locklear shares articles about her, photographs, videos, and audio files of or about her. Also contains news about her and an online forum for the community of her fans.
Internet Movie Database's section of their site which is about Heather Locklear and contains her filmography, biography, and trivia about her, along with photographs, news articles, and videos.
People Magazine's section dedicated to actress Heather Locklear and which houses every article ever written about her in this magazine or the site. Also offers photographs and other information about her.