Born May 16, 1986 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, actress and model Megan Fox was raised strict Pentecostal, though she attended Catholic school throughout her educational years. She has eight Arts-and-Literature/Visual-Arts/Body-Art/tattoos on her body, each of which holds a meaning for her, and all of which are written and talked about by fans, and her cosmetic surgeries are a source of news and gossip. She and former co-star Brian Austin Green, having said their vows in Hawaii, and they have a son. They live in Los Angeles.
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Celebrity Plastic Surgery: Megan Fox
Shares before and after, and after, and after pictures of the star, whose natural beauty has been replaced systematically. The photographs are accompanied by commentary and explanation about the work done.
Showcases photographs and videos of Megan Fox. Also contains her biography, filmography, and news articles, past and present, about her and her projects.
Displays photographs of Megan's tattoos and her explanation as to their meanings.
Presents the archive of Megan Fox articles and photographs, with recent and breaking news about her, her surgeries, her tattoos, and her family.