Hannah Dakota Fanning, known by the public as Dakota Fanning, was born in Conyers, Georgia on February 23, 1994 to a mother who was a professional tennis player and a father who played minor league baseball. The family moved to Los Angeles when she was around 6 years old. She graduated from high school in North Hollywood, California and is now attending college at New York University, a private university based in Manhattan.
Recommended Resources
Fansite honoring Dakota Fanning and her talent displays details about her life and career, her current and future projects, past movie roles, and a photo gallery.
News and pertinent information about Dakota Fanning, her life and her acting, are fund here. A huge photo gallery is available, as are interviews with her.
Keeps its readers up to date on such things as news about Dakota, upcoming and current projects, and appearances on televisions interviews as well as offering photographs and videos of her.