Writing under the pen name of Avi, Edward Irving Wortis is an author of literature for children and young adults. He and his sister, Emily Wortis Leider, also an author, were born in New York City, where he received the nickname, Avi, as a young child. He has written in a number of genres, including historical fiction, fantasy, comedy, mystery, ghost stories, adventure tales, realistic fiction, and picture books.
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This website is dedicated to works of the American writer Avi of a variety of book such as The Book Without Words. The site has a list of Avi's varied works covering the genres of short stories, young adult, biography, adventure and more. The site also has a section for teacher's interested in using his works.
BookRags: Edward Irving Wortis Summary
The site includes a downloadable study pack, consisting of five pages of study material, including essays on the childhood and life experiences of the author who writes under the name of Avi.
The publisher’s page offers a biography of the author, whose actual name is Edward Irving Wortis, as well as the text of an interview, and essays on some of his works.
The author of “The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle,” “Ragweed,” “Windcatcher,” and several other books for children and young adults, is highlighted, with summaries of many of his books, author photographs, and member ratings.
An overview of the author, whose real name is Edward Irving Wortis, is offered, along with a bibliography, personal information, and other facts.