Christina Applegate, who played the part of Kelly Bundy in the television comedy "Married...with Children," was born November 25, 1971 in Hollywood, the daughter of a record company executive and an actress. She also played in "Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead" and "Anchorman." She has also played Broadway, and her stage appearances include the 2005 revival of "Sweet Charity." She is a Health/Conditions-Diseases/Cancer/Breast-Cancer/breast cancer survivor, a vegetarian, and a proponent of animal welfare and PETA. Christina has been married twice. She has a daughter, Sadie Grace, with her second husband, musician Martyn LeNoble.
Recommended Resources
This fan site for Christina Applegate focuses on the actress and her career, with a large photo gallery, news and archived media about her, and a link to her fanlisting.
Ingenuity: Christina Applegate
This fanlisting, which is approved by the Fanlisting Network offers a place for fans to congregate and look at items having to do with Ms. Applegate.
Undying Celebrities: Christina Applegate
Fansite offers non-nude photographs of Christina Applegate as well as her vital statistics and biography. Further advances a list of her movies and television appearances, news about her, and other pertinent information.