This category contains information about life in the country and rural settings. Also contains resources which pertain to homesteading.
Homesteading |
Recommended Resources
BMH's Homesteading & Self-Reliance Forum
A feature of Backwoods Home Magazine, the online discussion forum is focused on rural living, and includes topics such as homesteading, gardening, canning and preserving foods, various types of energy, medicinal plants and other health topics, livestock and pets, water and irrigation issues, homeschooling and adult education, as well as self reliance and do-it-yourself projects. Registration is required for participation in forum discussions.
Country Living magazine is available in print and online. The site offers subscription information for the printed edition as well as articles about decorating, antiques, women entrepreneurs, crafts and recipes.
Those who are interested in country life can connect through blogs and membership in this association. Includes surveys, quizzes and news about CLA events.
Originating with the "Small Stock Magazine," founded in 1917, and including the "Journal of Outdoor Enterprises," begun in 1916, Countryside was founded in 1969 by Jerry Belanger, author of several books on homesteading and livestock. In 1973, "Small Stock Magazine" merged with "Countryside" to become Countryside & Small Stock Journal," usually shortened to "Countryside." Ogden Publications now owns the print and digital media company. Free guides and paid subscriptions are available.
This organization seeks to improve the countryside. The Alliance has a range of policy proposals to improve housing, local democracy, the environment and more. The website also has campaigns on shooting, hunting and angling.
Fantastic Farm and Country Photos
View a collection of images from country life. Find photos of barns, animals, nostalgia, scenery, tractors, gardens and homes.
Contains a community forum, photographs, country living tips, memories of country living and articles. Also includes a coloring book, country humor and country sounds.
North Dakota Rural Living Handbook
Offers a comprehensive handbook which applies specifically to rural life in North Dakota, but generally to country living anywhere. Includes purchase considerations, getting along with neighbors, land maintenance, mosquito control, soil health, water quality and much more.
This e-zine presents photos, articles about animals and home remedies, and links to current and archived issues.
Features recipes, photos and information about maintaining a home and garden in the country. Also offers information about homeschooling in a rural setting.