Film is the category in which both movies and television belong. Film is frequently called motion pictures, cinema, video, film, or movies, and was first invented at the end of the 1890s, an integral part of the industrial revolution.
Recommended Resources
Displays slideshow presentations about movie history, including Academy Awards and cinema vocabulary.
Beginning before the 1920s, this web site provides the history of film including such items as the greatest films of each year, film history milestones, Academy Awards, and great film quotes for each year.
Historical Periods in Television Technology
Broken down into four periods of technological advancements of television, this website recounts the advancement of television technology. The periods are 1880 to 1929, 1930 to 1959, 1960 to 1989, and 1990 until today.
This Library of Congress website covers inventions which made movies and television what they are today, including motion pictures and sound recordings, and Thomas Alva Edison's biography.
Television History: The First 75 Years
Celebrates the first 75 years of television, broken down into six time periods, and offering photographs of television sets from each time period, important events and milestones, and advertising
Provides a timeline of television history and accounts of the history of first mechanical televisions and then electronic televisions.