The invention of the radio harkened a new age. The technology uses radio waves which power radio instruments, and was originally called "wireless telegraphy." Originally developed in the 1880s, the first successful transatlantic radio broadcast was achieved by Guglielmo Marconi, who is commonly thought to be the inventor of the technology. Clearly, that's not exactly true, although the term "radio" came into use after his transmission across the Atlantic.
Feature Article

We all learned in school,
if we were paying attention, that Guglielmo Marconi was the inventor
of the radio in 1895 and patented
it the next year.
But Mr. Marconi did not just wake up one morning and realize he knew how
to make a machine
that would transmit a voice. No, of course not. He relied upon more than
80 years of technology,
beginning in Denmark
in 1820 when physicist Hans Christian Orsted realized that there was a
relationship between magnetism and electricity and proved that
In 1875, Thomas Edison, who had been experimenting with Samuel
Morse's invention, the telegraph, discovered something he called
"etheric force," which we know today as high frequency electromagnetic
waves. Edison believed this force to be the way to scientifically prove
the validity of the occult
and other supernatural phenomena. He was only steps away from
inventing the radio
at that point, but the ever-sensitive inventor of such fame abandoned the
etheric force when other prominent men of science
made fun of both him and his ideas.
Other contributors to the invention of the radio included Michael Faraday,
James Maxwell, Mahlon Loomis, Heinrich Hertz, and of course, Nikola Tesla.
But given that all science
is built on prior science, we can thank all who contributed to Marconi's
invention, as well as Marconi himself, and I can tell you a little bit
about what all happened next.
By the 1920s, radio
was available to anyone who could buy or make one. Now, the younger
generation would read that sentence and say, "MAKE a radio? That's
crazy!" But back in the day -- meaning most of the 20th
century -- before the Walkman, the iPod, satellite, or HD radio,
many radios were powered by a crystal
set. And due to the Boy Scouts, most boys and many girls built at least
one radio set as a youngster, despite the fact that vacuum tubes replaced
crystal sets in store-bought radios.
While we called them crystal sets, they were also called a cat's
whisker receiver or, more properly, a crystal radio receiver. Crystal sets
ran on power received directly from radio waves. No battery or electric
plug was needed.
You can make a radio out of about 100 feet of stranded, insulated wire, a
plastic bottle -- or a toilet paper roll -- 50 feet of magnet wire coated
with enamel, a crystal or diode, alligator jumpers, and a telephone
handset. Or you can buy a kit from a hobby shop or Radio Shack.
But I digress. The crystal radio receiver was invented in 1906.
The first commercial radio station, KDKA, hit the air in 1920, in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, and the first item the station broadcast was coverage
of the 1920 presidential election, which began at 6:00 on election night
and lasted until noon, when the ballots were counted and it was determined
that newspaper
publisher and one of Ohio's
United States Senators, Warren G. Harding beat Ohio Governor James Cox.
Throughout the broadcast,
the announcers repeatedly entreated the audience, "Will anyone hearing
this broadcast please communicate with us, as we are anxious to know how
far the broadcast is reaching and how it is being received." The broadcast
was received as far away as Canada.
KDKA is still on the air today as a CBS affiliate.
FM radio, short for "frequency modulation radio," started out as
experimental in the 1930s, and stereo FM made its appearance in the late
Satellite radio was introduced in 1992, with XM introducing what is ow
SiriusXM radio, which is broadcast over radio receivers as well as over
the internet.
Along the way, there were other offshoots of the radio, including
walkie-talkies, shortwave radio, amateur
or ham radio, radar, and radiology.
So you see, whoever should be credited with the radio, it has shaped much
of our lives.
Recommended Resources The Invention of Radio
Delves into the invention of the radio and all of the technological developments which made that invention possible.
History of Radio, First Thirty Years
The focus of this website is on the years between 1895 to 1925, rather earlier than the usual timeline, which starts around 1940. Also has numerous images from the era.
Beginning with Marconi in 1895, this site chronicles the beginnings of radio, including Fleming's valve and crystal detectors.
Radio Days: Broadcast Journalism and Historical Events
Profiles commentators, including Edward R. Murrow, Eric Sevareid, Sigrid Schultz, and Drew Pearson, as well as radio events such as the Hindenburg disaster, Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Iwo Jima, and the funeral of Robert Kennedy.
The Work of Jadadis Chandra Bose
Chronicles the work of Jagadis Bose the polymath who pioneered, among other things, solid state radio, archaeology, plant science, and microwave optics.
United States Early Radio History
Rounds up information about the history of the early days of the wireless, or radio as it became known. It has an overview, an account of the history of the electric telegraph, telephone, and finally, the wireless radio.