On July 17, 1944, before the unveiling of the first atom bombs, a horrendous explosion happened 30 miles north of San Francisco, a mile away from the town of Port Chicago, California. The explosion vaporized one navy ship and destroyed another and killed 320 men who were tasked with loading munitions onto the two ships. Much speculation has taken place in the more than seventy years since it happened, and there is still no official cause for the disaster, World War II's worst home-front disaster.
Feature Article
The 1944 Disaster at Port Chicago

The Naval Ammunition Depot at Port Chicago, California
was one of the main hubs of ammunition during World
War II for the Pacific Theater.
It is located 30 miles northeast of San
Francisco close to Mare Island in Vallejo,
California. The town, which is approximately a mile from the
munitions depot, had a population of about 1,500. The site was used as a
shipyard during World
War I, and became a depot shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
In 1942, the military service in the United
States was still segregated, and in the Navy, black sailors were not
involved in sea duty. During that time, there were approximately 1,400
black enlisted men, 71 white officers, 106 marines who were serving as
guards, and 230 civilian employees at Port Chicago. The main job of the
enlisted men was to unload ammunition from the railroad
boxcars which brought them to Port Chicago and load them into a hatch via
cargo nets. The ammunition was said to include incendiary bombs, depth
charges, small caliber bullets, and large bombs which weighed up to a ton.
This loading went on 24 hours a day, and was done by men who had no
special training
in handling ammunition. There was widespread concern about the safety
of the men, but they were told by their commanding officers that the
munitions were not active and would not explode.
On July 17, 1944, there were two ships being loaded at the port, the SS
E.A. Bryan, which was packed with 4,600 tons of explosives and ammo, and
the SS Quinault Victory, which the men were in the process of loading 430
tons of bombs. There were 98 enlisted black men, 13 naval guards, and 31
merchant marine crewmen working on the Bryan and 100 black men, 36
crewmen, and 17 naval armed guard working on the Quinault Victory.
At 10:18 that night, an explosion was heard up to 200 miles away. An Air
Force plane flew over Port Chicago, at about 9,000 feet. They
reported that they saw pieces of white hot metal, some as big as a house,
fly straight up in front of them. The co-pilot described it as "a
fireworks display" which lasted approximately a minute.
The SS E.A. Bryan was vaporized, and 320 men on the pier with it were
killed instantly. Not a single identifiable piece of the ship was ever
found. Only 51 bodies could be identified, and some of them were found
more than a mile away from the pier. 202 of the dead and 233 injured were
African-Americans, and this one incident was 15% of all African-American
naval casualties in the entire war.
The stern of the SS Quinault Victory was moved more than 500 yards from
where it sat before the explosion. The rest of the vessel was in pieces,
the ship having been lifted out of the water entirely.
The Napa Journal reported the next day, "The hills of the Napa Valley were
momentarily illuminated by sunlight."
The St. Helena Star quoted an eye witness who happened to be standing in
front of him home. The witness, Tom Street, was quoted as saying, "First
there was a sudden mushroom of white light, followed an instant later by
another, then a few moments later the intense roar and the concussion of
the blast."
in the town of Port Chicago, more than a mile away, were stopped at 10:19,
and not a single building in town was undamaged. The Richter scale
registered as 3.5 in Bonner's Ferry, Nevada.
Strangely, the head of Port Chicago, Captain William J. Parsons, who had
been stationed at Los
Alamos Laboratories before being transferred to Port Chicago just
before the disaster was promoted to commodore directly following the
disaster. He went on to direct the tests in the Pacific, including the
Bikini test. He was instrumental in designing and implementing the first
atom bomb, working directly under Dr. Oppenheimer. He was also the bombing
officer on board the Enola Gay when it dropped the atom
bomb on Hiroshima.
A month later, hundreds of enlisted men, including several injured in the
explosion, refused to load ammunition due to the fact that nothing about
the handling of the bombs had changed. More than 200 of them were
convicted of disobeying orders in a summary court martial. Each of them
forfeited his pay for three months, and several of them were witnesses in
the mutiny trials which would happen shortly. The rest of them were
shipped to various places in the Pacific Theater, where they were assigned
menial jobs like cleaning latrines and picking up cigarette butts and
garbage. Upon their return stateside, they were each given bad conduct
discharges and denied all veterans'
Fifty of them were tried for mutiny, which carries a maximum punishment
of death. In their courts martial, they indicated that they had not
been ordered to load the ammo, but were simply asked if they wanted
to load ammunition.
All 50 of them were found guilty of mutiny and sentenced to 15 years. In
1946, forty-seven of the prisoners were released from prison but were made
to remain in the Navy on probation. They were all sent to the South
Pacific and slowly, a few at a time, were dishonorably discharged.
Port Chicago is no longer in existence, having been expanded and renamed
the Concord Naval Weapons Station.
The explosion was looked into in depth by a team from the Manhattan
Project, and given eye witness reports such as those describing a "ball of
fire mushroom" and "...that literally filled the sky with flame," it was
thought that the explosion may have been caused by a nuclear
bomb, specifically a low-yield atomic bomb. That idea still exists today.
It is backed up by numerous facts, garnered from different places.
Documents from Los Alamos indicate that at the time of the Port Chicago
detonation, scientists embraced what was then called the Hydrodynamic
Theory of Surface Explosion, which posited that the only potential
delivery device for an atomic bomb was a ship, which would have to be
detonated in a harbor.
The navy photographed
the entire explosion from across the bay, and records of the contents of
the box cars which were being unloaded at the pier and loaded onto the
ships is missing. Records for all other cars on the train were intact.
Theorists believe that the 9000-pound Mark II atom bomb may have been in
one of those two cars.
Contra Costa County and surrounding towns and counties including Alameda,
Clara, and San
Mateo have had abnormally high cancer
rates since the mid-1940s, though those rates have dropped in the past few
Still, more than 70 years after the event, what actually happened to cause
the detonation of whatever it was which caused this disaster is anybody's
Recommended Resources
Dissects the events which resulted in the vaporization of one ship, the demolition of another, the deaths of 320 men, and the mushroom cloud which indicated to many that this was the first nuclear blast in history.
Munition Ships Explode in San Francisco
Contains a video news reel of the explosion at Port Chicago, along with the news which puts it in context.
Navy History: Naval Magazine, Port Chicago
Displays photographs and descriptions of the disaster and the resultant damage. Also links to a Frequently Asked Questions section specifically about that disaster.
Shares information about the worst World War II-era disaster in the homeland, including photographs, background about the segregated military, an explanation why the vast majority of those who were killed were African-American, and a list of the dead, their positions in the Navy, hometowns, and ages when known.
Chronicles the 1944 explosion which took place in San Francisco Bay and presents the evidence which the author says points to that explosion being the first nuclear bomb, accidentally detonated at the Navy dock at Port Chicago.
The Last Wave from Port Chicago
Provides the results of the author's investigation, lasting more than twenty years, of the 1944 explosion at the Port Chicago Naval Magazine. This site covers the entire history of the explosion and also documents the connections between this tragedy and the Manhattan Project and Los Alamos, where the atom bomb was being assembled.