Often known as the Good Friday Earthquake, the great Alaskan earthquake of 1964 occurred at 5:36 in the evening on March 27, which was Good Friday. It lasted for almost three minutes and was measured at 9.2, second in size to only the 1960 earthquake in Valdivia, Chile. Landslides, major property damage, and tsunami were results of the quake, which claimed the lives of approximately 143 people. Tsunamis struck Kodiak, Whittier, and the village of Chenega, as well as British Columbia, Oregon, California, Hawaii, and Japan.
Recommended Resources
1964 Alaskan Earthquake - Personal Accounts
Contains first-person stories of those who survived the 1964 Good Friday Earthquake. These people were in Anchorage, Elmendorf, Fort Richardson, and Kodiak, just to name a few. They were of all different ages and stations in life at the time of the quake.
1964 Good Friday Great Alaskan Earthquake
Offers details and technical information such as damage done where, consequences of the quake including landslides, rockslides, avalanches, and the tsunami.
Effects of the 1964 Alaska Tsunami in British Columbia
Details the earthquake and the resultant tsunami from the 1964 Good Friday Quake, including tsunami measurements, travel times, the effects of the tsunami, and lost of lives and damages.
The Great Alaska Earthquake of 1964
Provides such data as the epicentral parameters, aftershocks, causes, and outcome as well as a breakdown of where deaths and damage took place. Also shares numerous photographs of the quake, tsunami, and aftermath of the event.
WorldNews: 1964 Alaska Earthquake
Shares numerous videos and audio recordings of newscasts around the world about the 1964 Alaskan earthquake, including live video of the earthquake and waves.