Born Michel de Nostredame, the famous seer Nostradamus wrote the book "Les Propheties," which was first published in 1555. It has been in print ever since his death, and interpretation of his quatrains have been the topic of his followers' speculation.
Recommended Resources
Provides articles, maps, and the biography of the famed prognosticator, as well as family tree and a timeline of his life. Also presents his works and myths about him.
Delivers the biography of Nostradamus, his quatrains, and resources. Also links to a discussion forum, an essay about whether or not he predicted 9/11, and who Mabus is.
Exhibits the prophecies, texts and biography of Nostradamus in detail, in English and in French. Also links to books about him and his quatrains.
The Nostradamus Society of America
Dedicated to the memory of Nostradamus, this web site furnishes detailed prophecies and quatrains and their interpretations, and excerpts from his writings.
The Skeptic's Dictionary: Nostradamus
Offers a skeptic's look at Nostradamus, the popular interpretations of his quatrains as they related to the death of John F. Kennedy Jr., the September 11 attacks, and other predictions.