Nicolaus Copernicus was the Polish mathematician and astronomer who first laid out the proposal that the sun was stationary and was the center of the universe and that the earth revolved around that sun. Because of that theory, he is considered by many to have started the scientific revolution.
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Nicolaus Copernicus (February 19, 1473 - May 24, 1543) was a polymath:
an expert in astronomy, mathematics,
medicine, law,
and diplomacy.
The accomplishment for which he is famous, astronomy,
was an avocation. He presented the first modern theory of of a heliocentric,
or sun-centered, solar system. Prior to his postulation of that theory,
scientists believed that the planets
and the Sun revolved around Earth.
The so-called "Copernican Revolution" had an effect on more than just
cosmology and science,
but in philosophy,
culture, and theology.
He was born in Royal Prussia, and the uncertainties about the geography
and history
of the region, his nationality has long been debated. There was one school
of thought which dictated that he was German
and another which thought him to be a Pole. Modern history books call him a
German Pole.
His father, a rich businessman, died when Copernicus was ten years old,
apparently having outlived the boy's mother, Barbara. Nicolaus and his
brother and two sisters were raised by their Uncle Lucas, who was a canon --
which is an administrative position below Bishop -- in the Catholic
When he was 18, he entered University in Krakow, where he studied astronomy,
after which he went to Italy
to study medicine and law.
At the behest of his uncle, he also studied canon law, though it would be
years before he actually obtained his degree.
It was during the time he spent in that pursuit that he met and became an
assistant to the famed astronomer Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara.
He attended the Jubilee in Rome in 1500, as devout Catholics
did, and ended up staying for a year, lecturing to mathematics and astronomy
scholars. While there, he had the opportunity to observe the lunar eclipse
of November 6, 1500.
He returned from Rome in 1501 and was installed, with a little help from
Uncle Lucas, who was by now a Bishop, as canon of the Ermland Chapter a few
months later, but given that he had not finished his canon law degree, he
asked Uncle Lucas for permission to return to Italy, where he promised to
obtain a law degree and study medicine, which would make him most useful in
any parish.
So he set off once again for Italy; this time to study in Padua, which had
an exemplary medical school. Nicolaus studied medicine and astronomy, and in
1503, he decided to go to the University of Ferrara to earn his doctorate in
canon law. Once he received the law doctorate, he returned to Padua to
continue studying medicine, though there is no evidence that he actually
earned a degree in medicine.
In 1514, he wrote his handwritten text, "Commentariolus," which described
his theory about heliocentric hypothesis, which he gave to friends before
working on discovering more information
and expanding upon that work. But the Commentariolus made the rounds in
scientific circles, with Nicolaus procrastinating with the publishing
of his expanded theory even while people begged him to publish. In that
text, he opined that the Earth, which turns on its axis once a day, revolves
around the fixed sun one time every year. He correctly postulated the
planets in the solar system in their correct order. He described the tilt of
the Earth on its axis was the cause of the seasons.
By 1539, Nicolaus was a famous man, having lectured across Europe
and spawned numerous disciples and followers. That year, he was visited by
an Austrian
and astronomy
professor by the name of Georg Joachim Rheticus from the University of
Rheticus ended up staying and studying under Copernicus for two years, and
he ended up authoring
a book
entitled Narratio Prima, which outlined Nicolaus's theory.
It was this book
which apparently prompted Nicolaus to work on readying De Revolutionibus for
publication, and the theories set forth in that book are thought of by many
to be the very beginning of modern astronomy.
Copernicus laid out seven axioms in his long-awaited book, De
- There is no one center in the universe;
- The Earth's center is not the center of the universe;
- The center of the universe is near the Sun;
- The distance from the Earth to the Sun is imperceptible compared with the distance to the stars;
- The rotation of the Earth accounts for the apparent daily rotation of the stars;
- The apparent annual cycle of movements of the Sun is caused by the Earth revolving around the Sun; and
- The apparent retrograde motion of the planets is caused by the motion of the Earth, from which one observes.
Although parts of the contents of the book
flew in the face of Catholic
doctrine of the day, the book was dedicated to Pope Paul III, writing that
he wanted to write it due in part to the fact that astronomers from history
had failed to agree on an adequate theory of the planets and the solar
system, and that if his theory and writings could bring accuracy to
astronomical predictions, the Church would be able to develop a more
accurate calendar, which was a project that the Vatican
had been supporting, largely by funding astronomers.
In late 1542, Nicolaus was stricken with apoplexy, which was what we now
call a stroke.
And from that, he was paralyzed for months before he died.
Nicolaus was on his deathbed when the expansion of Commentariolus was
finally published, and it is said that when the first printed copy of De
Revolutionibus was finally put into his hands on the day he died, he
woke up from his coma, looked at the book,
and then died peacefully.
Recommended Resources
Consists of a biography of the early astronomer, links to other websites which contain information about him, and various news items about him, including the discovery of his remains in 2008.
Nicolaus Copernicus Thorunensis
Sections of this website are dedicated to the pioneering scientist's life story, his discoveries, his book, "On the Revolutions," and a host of resources.
Scienceworld: Copernicus, Nicholaus
Delves into the life and discoveries of the mathematician and astronomer, including his observations about Ptolemy and his theories and systems.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Nicolaus Copernicus
This biography includes information about the life as well as the works of Copernicus. Also contains his writings and elucidation on his ideas and an overview of the reactions to "On the Revolutions."
The Galileo Project: Copernicus
Provides the life story of the astronomer, details about his works, and what it was like to be an astronomer during his day.