Antineoplastic antibiotics are a type of anticancer drug that blocks cell growth by interfering with DNA, the genetic material in cells. Also called anticancer antibiotic and anti-tumor antibiotic.
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Used to treat ovarian cancer which has recurred or progressed, Doxil publishes data about this antineoplastic antibiotic. The information includes why it works, why it is different from other options, and how it is administrated. Safety information and a list of common side effects are also listed.
Reviews data about doxorubicin, sold under the brand names Adriamycin and Rubex. Contains the cancers treated, possible side effects, and methods of delivery. Additionally lists possible delayed effects.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society: Novantrone
Adapted from the FDA-approved prescribing information, this item offers a description of Novantrone, a trade name for mitoxantrone, the basis for its acceptance by the FDA, drug interactions and warnings as well as links to other relevant online literature.