This category lists web sites relating to candidiasis, an infection caused by candida fungi, especially candida albicans. Candidiasis can affect many parts of the body, causing localized infections or greater illness, depending on the person's general health.
Recommended Resources
Features information for relieving yeast infections using an anti-candida and anti-thrush diet treatment.
Outlines the benefits and drawbacks of a probiotic diet, specifically how they help restore a healthy balance in our digestive system.
Candida Information and Treatment
Describes this skin infection which affects both men and women, but is prevalent in babies.
This website shares details and knowledge about chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis; complete with prevention details through diet changes.
A non-profit organization providing information about Candida research; complete with details about the skin infections which it can cause.
Sets forth helpful knowledge about both the herbal remedies and the prescribed medications available for the treatment and prevention of candidiasis.
A review of the Candida Diet that has been proved to alleviate instances of candidiasis by limiting yeast-inducing foods.
Consists of details about how candidiasis can be treated with diet; with a list of foods to avoid, and foods to eat.
Seeks to inform readers about the problems arising from the excess of Candida bacteria on the skin; complete with herbal remedies which may help to treat and prevent candidiasis.
Gives an overview of the diagnostic tests and treatment available for candidiasis; with details about the importance of diet changes for prevention.
Health World Online: Candidiasis
Contains a comprehensive overview of the common skin condition known as candidiasis; written by holistic healing professionals.
MedlinePlus: Cutaneous Candidiasis
Imparts information about how the skin may become infected with candida fungi, a fairly common bacterial skin infection.
Provides information about this bacterial skin which can occur anywhere and are most commonly associated with the skin.
Presents the benefits of a natural and regular candida cleanse to avoid bacteria overgrowth which can lead to candidiasis.
Natural Remedies for You: Candida Cleanse Benefits
Delves into the benefits of a candida cleanse to avoid an excess of candida bacteria and flare-ups of candidiasis.
Features answers to the frequently asked questions about the benefits of an anti-Candida Diet; complete with menu planning.
Provides information about treating Candidiasis with an anti-Candida diet; with details about its causes, symptoms, and more.
The Diet Channel: Candida Diet
Contains an overview of the skin bacteria found on our skin and mucus membranes; with sample menu planning to avoid overgrowth.
Your Body Can Heal - Candida Herbal Remedy
Offers facts about proven candidiasis herbal remedies which eliminates candida bacteria overgrowth.