Pre-eclampsia, sometimes spelled “preeclampsia,” is a life-threatening condition characterized by high blood pressure in a pregnant woman. It also causes large amounts of protein in the urine of the mother. Left untreated, it develops into eclampsia, which can cause seizures and eventual death of the mother and/or the unborn baby. Pre-eclampsia is the most common of all dangerous complications of pregnancy.
Recommended Resources
Action on Pre-eclampsia (APEC) is a non-profit organization devoted to informing women about the condition, formerly known as toxemia.
The MedlinePlus web site describes the causes, symptoms, testing, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of the occurrence of seizures due to eclampsia during pregnancy.
The Preeclampsia Research Laboratories (PEARLS) provides information on preeclampsia and how to support research to find the cause and cure.
The Pre-eclampsia web site provides information about pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, etc. Web site contains personal stories, as well as medical articles about the conditions.
The Preeclampsia Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to research, public awareness, support and education for the pregnancy complication known as Preeclampsia.