Menorrhagia is characterized by abnormally heavy, or long menstrual periods. This category contains information regarding this condition, specifically its signs, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and more.
Recommended Resources
The About Heavy Periods web site provides information and other resources on menorrhagia, including signs, symptoms, and treatment options.
Chronic Menorrhagia or Anovulatory Uterine Bleeding
Consists of detailed information about chronic uterine bleeding, the terminology involved, and related articles.
New York Presbyterian Hospital: Menorrhagia
Focuses on the causes, including dietary reasons, as well as genetic and drug-related causes, of heavy menstrual bleeding. The author discusses Vitamin K, anticoagulants, and hysterectomies as causal agents.
Overlooked Causes of Menorrhagia
This web site provides comprehensive information on the overlooked causes of menorrhagia, typically characterized by heavy menstrual bleeding.