Provides information and other resources for the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of the three known types of polio.
Recommended Resources
The Global Polio Eradication is a non-profit organization providing information on the history of polio, vaccinations, and eradication.
Health Heritage Research - Polio History
The Health Heritage Research web site provides a comprehensive history of polio; from discovery to vaccinations.
The Health of Children web site provides information on Polio, including its causes, symptoms, diagnoses, and prognoses. - Post Polio Syndrome provides information on the poliomyelitis virus, polio, and Post Polio Syndrome (PPS); with information on polio survivors.
Home for Polio-Handicapped Children
The Home for Polio-Handicapped Children is a non-profit organization which offers support and physiotherapy treatment programs for children affected with polio.
Polio Children is a non-profit organization with a mandate to ensure that every child with polio will have access to opportunities to become independent in adulthood.
The Polio Network is a non-profit organization which serves as the largest online resource for polio; with vaccination information.
The Polio Survivors Association is a non-profit organization providing information and other resources about polio and post-polio syndrome.
Post Polio is a non-profit organization providing information and other resources to enhance and advance the lives and polio survivors.
Rotarian Action Group for Polio Survivors
The Rotarian Action Group for Polio Survivors is a non-profit organization which serves as the living legacy of the Rotary Polio-Plus Polio Eradication Program.