Also known as Hansen's disease, leprosy is a rare and progressive condition affecting the skin, specifically the peripheral nerves in the hands and feet, and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and throat. Web sites found here contain information pertaining to the history, as well as current treatment of leprosy.
Recommended Resources
The American Leprosy Mission is a non-profit organization concerned with the symptoms, diagnoses, prognoses, treatments, and cure of leprosy.
The Australian Leprosy Mission is a non-profit organisation concerned with the care and cure of those afflicted with leprosy in Australia and around the world.
The Canadian Leprosy Mission is a non-profit organization concerned with the care and treatment, and the eventual eradication of leprosy.
The web site provides information on Leprosy, a disfiguring disease characterized by skin sores and nerve damage.
International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations
ILEP, the International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations, is a non-profit organisation working towards a world without leprosy
International Leprosy Association
The International Leprosy Association is a non-profit organization concerned with the curing of Leprosy around the world.
LEPRA is a non-profit organisation providing care and cure to those afflicted with leprosy in India, Brazil, and other countries around the world.
Leprosy History is a non-profit organization which provides a database of a wide range of policy, scientific and medical archives.
The Leprosy Mission International is a non-profit organization dedicated to the compassionate care and eventual cure for those afflicted with leprosy.
The Novartis Foundation is a non-profit organization with a mandate to provides the drug therapy medication used to treat and cure leprosy free of charge.
Rare Diseases: Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease)
This web site offers extensive information, and other resources for leprosy; with a history of the disease and the evolution of its treatment.
The St. Francis Leprosy Guild is a non-profit organization with a mandate to help leprosy sufferers and their communities throughout the world.
World Health Organization: Leprosy Today
This web site contains information about leprosy in Africa, Asia, and India; with a detailed history of the disease and its treatment.