Stuttering, also called stammering, is a speech disorder in which words, syllables, or sounds are repeated or last longer than normal, causing disfluency, or a break in the flow of speech.
Recommended Resources
American Institute for Stuttering
The American Institute for Stuttering is a non-profit organization dedicated to treating stuttering from an emotional and physical approach.
Association for Research into Stammering in Childhood
The Association for Research into Stammering in Childhood is a non-profit organization which offers stammering and stuttering help, advice and information.
Beyond Stuttering is a non-profit organization which provides courses and ongoing support for people who stutter throughout Australia.
Friends Who Stutter is a non-profit organization providing outreach and support to children and teenagers who stutter, and their families.
International Stuttering Association
ISA, the International Stuttering Association, is a non-profit organization which provides information about stuttering, stuttering therapy, etc.
Journal of Stuttering Therapy, Advocacy & Research
JSTAR, the Journal of Stuttering Therapy, Advocacy and Research, is an online biannual publication offering practical therapy ideas and original research into stuttering.
National Stuttering Association
The National Stuttering Association is a non-profit organization which provides information and support for people of all ages who stutter.
The Speech Foundation is a non-profit organization which offers intensive short courses, as well as self-help audio-cassette programs for treatment of stammering, or stuttering.
Stuttering Foundation of America
The Stuttering Foundation of America is a non-profit organization providing resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families.
The Stuttering in Children's web site explains why stuttering occurs, as well as the options available for children who have started to stutter.
The Stuttering Prevention web site provides direct and indirect stuttering therapy for young children which is geared to preventing stuttering before it starts.
Web site provides information about the non-profit organization and its stuttering center, dedicated to treating stuttering from an emotional and physical approach.
Valsalva is a non-profit organization which promotes education and research for controlling stuttering through relaxing the body's Valsalva mechanism.