Tay-Sachs is a rare genetic condition particularly common among Jewish people of Eastern European and Russian origin. The prognosis of Tay-Sachs is determined by age of onset and usually results in either severe disability or death. Here you will find information pertaining to Tay-Sachs, specifically its diagnosis, and prognosis. You will also find support group information for patients and their families.
Recommended Resources
Facilitates making donations for people who access the site and give information about various research initiatives, fundraising, and family stories as well as other useful links.
Jewish Genetic Diseases: Tay-Sachs
Presents a layman's guide to this genetic disease and includes sections about symptoms, carriers and incidence, and treatment options.
National Human Genome Research Institute
Teaches about Tay-Sachs Disease including what is known about its hereditary nature, tests and symptoms, and information about clinical research.
National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association
The National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association is a non-profit organization which provides information families affected by Tay-Sachs disease and other rare genetic disorders.
Offers details about the disease, how frequently it is passed on, and what the treatment is. Also discusses the specific genes which are involved.